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1999 Continues in Techrot Encore!

Learn more about the newest addition to Warframe: 1999, complete with a new Warframe, new Protoframes, Temporal Archimedea and much more!

Syndicate ;]
<The Hex/>
New Syndicate
Arthur, Aoi, Lettie, Amir, Quincy, and Eleanor. These six Protoframes make up The Hex, an elite fighting unit at the heart of the Techrot crisis in Höllvania. Work with each member to complete Bounties and earn their trust.
Gemini Skins
Embody members of the Hex with fully voiced and customizable Gemini Skins. Switch between Warframe and its respective Protoframe on the fly with the Gemini Skin Emote throughout all Warframe Missions.
Protoframe Chemistry
As the Drifter, Chat with members of The Hex via your terminal and the help of KIM (Kinemantik Instant Messaging). Learn more about your favorite Protoframes to gain their friendship or affection.
1999 Comic
Explore the events that led the Protoframes up to this fateful New Year's Eve in a new digital comic! Written by VO Director and Writer Cam Rogers with art by Community Artist Karu. Read More
Cyte-09 >!<
Move like a shadow, strike with force. The Orokin created a Warframe that marries damage and stealth to eliminate sensitive problems, but he disappeared in the chaos of their demise. All that remains is a batch name: Cyte-09.
Abilities are subject to change during development.

Plant an antenna that projects a forward wave scan. Detected enemies take increased Weak Point Damage, and become visible through walls. Weapons gain Punchthrough.


Throw two Elemental Ammo Packs that instantly refill the active weapon’s magazine, while granting the weapon an additional instance of the selected Elemental Damage and Status Effect. Reload clears the effect. Sniper Rifles gain extra damage. Hold the ability to select the Elemental Damage type.


Jump backwards and become invisible for a short duration. Weak Point kills extends the duration and heals Cyte-09.


Summon the Neutralizer, Cyte-09’s exalted Sniper Rifle. Bullets ricochet off Weak Points to seek out other nearby Weak Points. Alt fire lobs a Cold grenade that completely freezes enemies.

!-- Warframe Reworks
Nyx and Trinity Changes

The mind manipulator and the medic, Nyx and Trinity, have both received Ability changes in 1999 to improve their kits. Learn more about all the changes in our Dev Workshop.

Locations []
<Welcome to Höllvania…/>

Ravaged by the Techrot crisis, Höllvania has been transformed. The once bustling city streets reduced to rubble or overrun by Infested biomass. If you hope to survive in 1999, you must traverse this new environment and discover the secrets buried beneath it.

Streets of Höllvania
Littered with Scaldra checkpoints and barricades to contain the Techrot, moving freely through the streets requires a mix of ingenuity and agility. Race along the roads with your Atomicycle or stalk across rooftops for the perfect shot.
Höllvania Central Mall
Part forward operating base, part hideout, and part Atomicycle garage, the Höllvania Central Mall is the Hex's main refuge from the Techrot and the Scaldra. Here they can rest and reequip before heading back out to hunt for Dr. Entrati.
Infested Underground
If the Scaldra control the streets, the Infested runs rampant in the underground. You'll need to explore this subterranean area to navigate freely — but enter cautiously, or you may find yourself quickly outnumbered and out of options.
Enemies :@
<Technocyte Coda/>

The Infested receive their very own Adversary system in the Technocyte Coda! Starting in 1999 gameplay and moving to a traditional Origin System showdown in your Railjack, defeat these strangely upbeat enemies to earn incredible new Technocyte Weapons!

UPDATE 11/29: The Technocyte Coda will be launching at a later date after Warframe: 1999 arrives next month. Look for your Adversaries to arrive in the Origin System in early 2025.

Listen to the latest new single from On-lyne: "THE GREAT DESPAIR"!
Ruthless aggression was Höllvania's answer to the Techrot. Wielding highly corrosive Efervon, Scaldra soldiers now patrol the streets to purge any Infestation. With martial law now declared, the Scaldra have total control.
The Major
Dedicated to the eradication of the Techrot, Major Neci Rusalka will stop at nothing to accomplish her mission. As leader of the Scaldra, her command brings the entire military might of Höllvania to bear against you.
H-09 Efervon Tank
A new Assassination target is available, Tenno. The apex predator in the Scaldra mechanized arsenal: The H-09 Efervon Tank. This beast won't be easy to take down.
New Infested Enemies

Take down the Techrot in all its myriad forms. Left to fester in Höllvania's underground, the rapidly mutating Infested has created all new threat varieties capable of wreaking havoc on the unprepared.


The combined threat of Scaldra and Infested requires the combined efforts of two teams of Tenno! Work with your Squad to complete Objectives before the other Squad can in this PVPVE Mission. Acquire upgrades to help your team or send obstacles to slow down your "opponents". Winning the race will grant your Squad additional rewards at the end of the Mission!

<Additional New Features/>
Caliber Chicks
Seasonal Changes
Caliber Chicks

In the far future of 20XX, Jillian and Lillian Killian are the Caliber Chicks: Supreme Operatives of the Unified Kingdoms Defence Force and the only ones capable of defeating Anna Ki and rescuing the President in the Caliber Chicks II! Find it in a Höllvanian Arcade near you!

Seasonal Changes

Experience Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall in Höllvania! Each season will change the appearance of the city and showcase different stages of the escalating Techrot threat.

Drifter Customizations
Atomicycle Liveries
Drifter Customizations

Give your Drifter a new look to match the era! Whether you're grunge, goth, or a total jock, there's a rad new Customization waiting for you, Tenno.

Atomicycle Liveries

Get ready to ride the devil down. Customize your Atomicycle with one of several new Skins and change the colors to match your style!

Collections <3
<Packs & Merch/>
Gemini Skins

Assemble the Hex in your Arsenal instantly thanks to this complete suite of Protoframe Gemini Skins and corresponding Gemini Emotes.

Cyte-09 Bullseye Bundle

Take aim as the sharpshooter Warframe, Cyte-09, along with his signature Weapons and Customizations.

1999 Merch Collection

Add 1999 Merch to your IRL Arsenal, featuring your choice of one of three t-shirts, 1999-themed patches, Atomicycle key necklace and much more.

Start Grooving!~~~

Coinciding with the launch of Warframe: 1999, we're proud to announce that the sounds of Höllvania will also be available for your listening pleasure thanks to the Warframe: 1999 Official Soundtrack, available now.

This Warframe: 1999 site is owned by Digital Extremes.