2014 Year In Review
Time flies when you’re having fun
Posted On 2014-12-19 18:49:44
2014 Year In Review

The end of 2014 is upon us! Like every previous December, now is a great time to reflect and examine all we've worked on and all we've accomplished. To reflect, yes, and to also cancel that never-used gym membership even though we promised to go at least once a week.

Reflection helps us appreciate how far we've come and how much Warframe has grown and improved. We've posted an infographic about our journey since launch, but for the many Tenno (new and old) who traveled with us throughout 2014, let's focus on some of the content added since January. Seeing it all in one place is... kind of incredible.


• Zephyr (Feb 5, 2014)
• Hydroid (April 10, 2014)
• Mirage (July 18, 2014)
• Limbo (Oct 24, 2014)
• Mesa (Nov 27, 2014)

This year saw a wide range of Warframes introduced after Oberon, the final Warframe of 2013. Although it can be hard to see our long-term planning when waiting for a new Warframe per Update, looking back, 2014 has yielded a Warframe representing just about every style of gameplay. Start with Zephyr's low-gravity, speed-oriented action and compare to the wild Abilities of Limbo and Hydroid, who definitely stretched the definition of what a "support role" is in high-Tier missions. Anyone more interested in offense didn't need to wait too long to get their hands on Mirage; and the gunslinger Mesa caps 2014 with very aggressive gunplay.

If we include the Prime versions of Rhino, Loki, Nyx and Nova, it's safe to say that 2014 was a year focused on mixing crowd control and utility -- something that has proven incredibly useful as enemies of the Tenno have certainly undergone a few changes themselves.

Enemy Expansion:

• The Grustrag Three: Vem Tabook, Shik Tal and Leekter.
• Grineer Guardsmen / Prosecutors
• Rescue 2.0 Wardens
• Feral Kubrow
• Corpus Arctic Eximus
• Drahk Master
• Infested Mutalist Osprey
• Infested Tar-Mutalist Moa
• Infested Swarm-Mutalist Moa
• Infested Brood Mother
• Infested Maggot
• Infested Boiler
• Corpus Nullifier Crewman
• Scorching Osprey

While the Corpus, Grineer, and Infested armies saw various tweaks over the course of 2014 (particularly with regard to accuracy), the biggest news of the year came in the form of dangerous elites for every faction. The Gustrag Three filled in the missing 'hit squad' needed to make players think twice (or try harder) when executing Grineer leadership, while the recent Drahk Master demonstrated how well... er, poorly Grineer treat pets. (About as well as they treat Tenno weapons, really.)

A warm ‘thank you’ goes to Yuikami, for the wonderful display of Grineer weapon mastery!

This year also saw the Infested get a little love... Mutated, bile-spitting, toxic-cloud spraying, maggot-spawning love. Finding new ways to make their up-close attacks that much more dangerous has been an exciting process driven by community feedback. Seeing those glorious new Mutalist MOAs alter the way PC Tenno tackle Infested has been well worth the wait. Don't worry PS4 / XB1 Tenno, you'll get your shot at Alad V's creations soon enough!

New Bosses / Minibosses:

• Councillor Vay Hek
• Corrupted Captain Vor
• Mutalist Alad V
• Lynx
• Spragg and Ven'kra Tel

It wouldn't be right to talk about new enemies without talking about their leaders, especially considering how much they've grown. Did Captain Vor ever reflect upon his Grineer military career and ponder how much more he could have accomplished if only he let himself get cut in half sooner? How many long nights did Alad V spend looking at his dirty apartment before realizing that the mold growing in his fridge probably shouldn't be talking to him?

Of course, the real winner of our unofficial 'Boss of 2014' goes to Councillor Vay Hek. He may not have the looks, but the man certainly knows how to give a rousing speech. When asked how long it took to come up with his infamous threat, Vay Hek casually replied, "It was easy."

Tilesets and Missions:

• Corpus Gas City expansion
• Earth Forest Tileset expansion
• Orokin Derelict Update (relocated items)
• Grineer Shipyards updated
• Ceres - mission type expansion
• Interception Missions are no longer confined to Earth
• Solar Rail Conflicts
• Expanded Infested influence on Eris
• Corpus Ice Planet
• Archwing Space
• 'Tenno Hubs'

In Warframe, lore is woven deep into world design, which is why any update to a tileset is so valuable. 2014 proffered valuable insight into Tenno lives with the inclusion of Dark Sectors and Solar Rails (which themselves saw major changes over the past few months). Dark Sectors have held true to a single ideology: Tenno still vie for supremacy amongst themselves.

Meanwhile, conflict between the Grineer and Corpus has escalated dramatically as Balor Fomorians have been fully unleashed upon the Solar System. From the cold vacuum of space to the frozen surface of Europa, we can see the massive Fomorian warships take their toll on any they come across. It'll be interesting to see where things go next.

Tenno Weapons:

Over 40 weapons released in 2014. Listing them all would take a lot of space, but the number alone should give a good idea of how much weapon variety has been added in just one year. That's close to an average of three weapons a month, and not just classic bullet-shootin' rifles neither! With these past twelve months seeing jet-powered boomerangs, rocket launching cluster pistols, laser cannons and toxic whips as additions to the Tenno arsenal it's hard not to be excited for what 2015 has in store.

That's not even covering the Primes! Warframe's weapon variety this year was nothing short of astounding, and while there will always be a pecking order for 'most effective' in that beloved T4 2-hour Survival, a little bit of choice is never a bad thing.

It's easy to forget how many different styles of gameplay are opened up with some of the more unique weapons we release. As someone who tends to use newer weapons from one Update to the next I'm more than a little guilty of not giving guns like the Stug a little more love. Of course, if you're one of the many who enjoy both fashion and function, it may be worth looking at the list of weapons that have received visual (and stat) variants this year.

• Boltor Prime
• AkBronco Prime
• Lex Prime
• Hikou Prime
• Scindo Prime
• Burston Prime
• Bo Prime
• Ankyros Prime
• Soma Prime
• Vasto Prime
• Vaykor Marelok
• Telos Akbolto
• Synoid Gammacor
• Secura Dual Cestra
• Sancti Castanas
• Rakta Ballistica

Although Syndicate and Prime weapons don't deviate nearly as much as the Quanta in terms of variant weapon type / usage, there's always a bit of excitement in seeing what weapons get chosen for a bit of extra bling. Variant stats certainly don't hurt either. I look forward to the day Tenno engineers figure out a way to give my Amprex slash damage. Unstable magnetized blades perhaps? Hm...


• Odonata Archwing
• Elytron Archwing
• Itzal Archwing
• Veritux, Archwing sword
• Imperator, Archwing rifle
• Onoris, Archwing battle-axe
• Corva, Archwing rocket launcher
• Rathbone, Archwing jet-hammer
• Velocitus, Archwing railgun
• Dual Decurion, Archwing pistols
• Fluctus, Archwing energy rifle
• Centaur, Archwing shield-sword
• New Archwing Grineer enemies
• New Archwing Corpus enemies
• New Archwing missions

One of our biggest updates this year was Archwing, which came packed with more weapons, enemies, unique tilesets, gameplay, and missions than any other content Update in 2014. Archwing is our first step toward expanding the fast-paced space ninja gun and swordplay we've all come to know and love with blasting through the depths of space while wielding an enormous sword and high-powered railguns. And that's only the beginning.
What comes next is hardly a secret.

Missions that use both Archwing and Warframe loadouts are the next big goal, to shortly culminate in a fight with the J3 Golem is shaping up to be our largest and most ambitious boss yet. We also have planned plenty more weapons and Archwings to help expand Tenno dominance across the Solar System.

Events & Tactical Alerts:

• Operation Oxium Espionage (Jan 29, 2014)
• Ties That Bind (Feb 6, 2014)
• Tethra's Doom (March 5, 2014)
• Specters of Liberty (May 2, 2014)
• Operation: Breeding Grounds (June 19, 2014)
• Avalanche Offensive (Aug 14, 2014)
• Operation: Cryotic Front (Aug 31, 2014)
• Operation: Gate Crash (Oct 16, 2014)
• Tactical Alerts: Hyena Facility, Shifting Sands, Cold Revenge
• Operation Eyes of Blight (Dec 19, 2014)

Events tend to be the harbingers of new weapons, game modes, and tilesets. In some cases they'll even be a part of acquiring a new Warframe. So, it should be no surprise that almost every month this year had something new for players to investigate (not including Tactical Alerts, which tend to offer more of a 'limited time challenge').

It's amazing to hear how our special events resonated with our community. Though it's clear that everyone has a personal favorite (I'm partial to Cryotic Front), every event released has given us critical feedback to work with. In a lot of ways, these special missions are testing grounds for new concepts. Hearing your thoughts on what made any mission especially fun is part of what makes working on Warframe so awesome.

New Game Modes

• Interception
• Rescue 2.0
• Hive Infestation
• Excavation
• Orokin Sabotage

I've said earlier that Warframe is a game built on community feedback, and few things reinforce that statement better than our updated game modes. A great example is Excavation. While fun on its own, Excavation also served the valuable purpose of explaining how the enemy was able to vent the air off an entire planet to kill a few Tenno. Not that it was a bad plan, really. It just didn't seem all that feasible.

As a solution to terrestrial Survival's questionable oxygen deprivation-- and an all-round fun mission type -- Excavation has been well received for good reasons. Another fantastic example of community feedback at play are Orokin Sabotage's hidden caches getting visual upgrades and expanding to other tilesets.

General Content Additions:

• Helios, the Corpus Sentinel
• Flappy Zephyr
• 'New' Stance Mods:
• 'New' Channeling melee Mods
• The Alliance system
• Dark Sectors + PvP addition
• Tenno Specters: Vapor, Phase, Force, Cosmic
• Kubrow
• New User Experience / Player Ship
• Quests: Vor's Prize, The Archwing, Howl of the Kubrow, Hidden Messages, The Limbo Theorem, Once Awake, Patient Zero
• World State Window
• Hidden Caches
• Syndicates
• Sigils
• Grineer and Corpus Security Puzzle Update

General Content Changes:

• Ability Mod removal
• Melee 2.0
• Directional air attacks and expanded weapon tweaks
• Updated Corpus Crewmen voices, as voted by the Design Council
• Toggleable Abilities
• Map and minimap tweaks and resizing.
• Slow expansion of Physically Based Rendering (PBR)!
• Reactive enemy accuracy

We often think of new 'content' taking the form of big updates that introduce some radically new element to existing gameplay. While that proves true in a lot of our events and new game modes, I think it's only appropriate to end 2014 looking at the content that's become a staple in our Warframe way of life. With Tenno Hubs just around the corner, it's particularly nice to remember some of the things that make our own Warframe experiences so special.

Kubrow, Melee 2.0 and Syndicates certainly stand out as some of the more subtle changes made this year, largely because each one requires a level of dedication that speaks volumes to the individual player. Syndicates allowed players to represent interests deeper than those associated to Lotus missions, and it seemed like everyone had picked their Syndicate of choice overnight. It's also awesome to hear from Tenno that take pride in their unique battle-ready Kubrow. Seeing their furry companions in the thick of combat is inspiring.

Looking back at 2014, what was your favorite Warframe moment? Was it joining with Clanmates to defend a Solar Rail? Did you lose it after being stabbed to death by a few dozen angry Sand Skates? Share with us! Share your favorite Warfarme experience in the comments section. Since I've spent the last 1,900 words expounding on why Warframe in 2014 was so memorable to me, I'd love to close by hearing what made it so special for you.
Thank you for the continued support. It's a privilege to work on this game for and with you.
