Tenno immerse themselves in the world of their enemy, confronting foes like the Grineer on any front across the Solar System. Dramatic variations in environment and enemy types help bring each world to life, be it undersea laboratory or a colony built on the ruins of an ancient civilization -- but sometimes it helps to have a few extra props.
Grineer technology isn't the fanciest (or most efficient) in the System, but it's reliable and has its own indisputable kind of charm. Making sure these additions have a functional purpose in Warframe's lore is one of the most difficult parts of adding new features, but in the past few months the Grineer have seen an impressive expansion of in-game tools that better showcase the kind of creative thinkers they are.
The creation of the Grineer Rampart has been a long time in the making as part of a special Design Council vote to introduce a new mechanic to Warframe -- the emplacement turret! Members of our Council voted on which rough design they preferred from the three shown above, eventually settling on the one we thought would be the least popular: Turret Number 3.
While the overall design of the turret was established early on, the Rampart wouldn't make its way in-game until over a year later due to other elements of Warframe's development taking a higher priority. When it came time to finalize its creation we had a pretty good idea of where to start.
The overall design had to be something that both the Grineer and Tenno would be able to use easily, and would, most importantly, fit the general aesthetic of Grineer technology. Some inspiration was taken from the more bulbous Gorgon to help establish the weapon in the Grineer design aesthetic. The end result is a weapon that feels as though it's always been there, despite being a recent addition to each Grineer tileset.
Another idea that didn't see implementation until long after its concept was initially created was the Grineer Blunt -- portable, deployable cover meant to provide Grineer soldiers limited relief against enemy firepower.
Of course, there's only so much support that an inflatable structure can give. Good for a few shots, but destined to pop, the Blunt was meant to be carried on the backs of Grineer soldiers. When it came to portable and easy to deploy, our artist took inspiration from emergency flotation devices.
Finally, there's the Diriga -- a brand-new Sentinel inspired by Grineer technology and the creative Design Council member DeejayPwny. The idea was to create a companion that would represent the Grineer's penchant for simple but effective tools, sticking to the primary goal of delivering short-ranged bursts of electrical damage similar to an Arc Trap.
The Diriga fits this design perfectly. Compact, effective and -- above all else -- cost efficient, the Diriga's intended purpose becomes painfully clear the moment its tendrils approach the enemy.
The process in moving from concept to a fully realized electric-spitting floating menace takes some time, but the end result is certainly worth the wait. Everything about the Diriga screams Grineer technology, from its haphazardly loose tendrils to the tight bindings that keep its inflatable balloons in check.
It's these small details that help bring to life the Grineer Empire's struggle for dominance, and are great examples of how the smallest details help enrich Warframe's lore.
We hope you've enjoyed this quick behind-the-scenes look at our latest creations.
Let us know what you think, and if you happen to enjoy the Diriga show us your favorite color scheme, too!