Normally when designing an enemy our team of artists and programmers all work together to fill a gap in what a particular faction may need. From concept to creation that enemy is slowly refined into a deadly threat, but when the inspiration for an enemy design comes from members of our community a few extra bits of consideration are added to the process.
Last year we ran a contest to have our players create enemy concepts that we'd add in game. Both Kadabura's Grineer Manic and Volkovyi's Bursa MOA have both had some time to shine in Warframe, with the Bursa MOA soon to arrive on consoles in Nef Anyo's False Profit event. Only one more fan concept remains…
SilverBones's Infested Juggernaut has been waiting in the shadows, but you can expect him to come lumbering through an infestation soon!
Infestation comes in all shapes and sizes, from the smallest squeaking maggot to the hulking ancients, but when the time came to select a new addition to Warframe's gooiest faction the votes were very clear. Something large, threatening, and able to bombard Tenno from a distance.
When developing the Juggernaut our goal was to stay as true as possible to the concept creation -- something large, hulking, and brutish in nature. Just seeing it passively stalk across the battlefield should inspire fear, and though we needed to tone down its overall size to ensure the Juggernaut could appear on a wide range of tilesets its sheer bulk still gives the Juggernaut an intimidating presence.
Rhinos (the real kind) and elephants were a huge part of the inspiration in helping convey the Juggernaut's mass. Slow, deliberate movements help put weight in each of the Juggernaut's steps.
When working on enemy abilities all our artists work closely together to create something that fits well in-game, but since the Juggernaut's design included attacks our artists instead tried hard to work around its intended vision. What other attacks should it have? What compliments our current roster of Infested enemies?
We hope everyone has enjoyed this sneak-peek at the brute strength the Juggernaut will be bringing to our beloved Infested. I'm sure Tenno will find a way to deal with this new threat one way or another, but just as a recommendation you may not want to stand in its way. It could hurt a little.