Devstream #182 Overview
1999 Deep Dive, Xaku Prime, Trinity Changes & More!
Posted On 2024-10-25 20:21:00
Devstream #182 Overview

Time to venture into the Techrot. Devstream 182 dove deeper into the world of Warframe: 1999 as we approach its release — learn about Coda On-lyne (aka Infested Adversaries), new Gemini Skins, the Atomicycle, and more in this month’s Devstream. While you wait for 1999, Xaku Prime is also on the horizon, so read on for more details on what to expect with their Prime Access!

As always, you can watch the full stream for all of the shenanigans, or catch the highlights in our overview below:

Remembering Mike "Mynki" Brennan

The Digital Extremes team mourns the passing of Michael "Mynki" Brennan, a dear friend, colleague, and pioneer of Warframe. The Devstream crew took a moment to pay tribute to Mynki and the incredible breadth of art and inspiration he contributed to Warframe.

Together we continue his legacy with Warframe: 1999 and beyond. Thank you for joining us in honoring Mynki.

If you’d like to watch the entire tribute section of the stream, you can do so here:

Original Concepts by Michael "Mynki" Brennan:

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 Devstream #182 Overview

We’ve introduced a Conquera Tribute Shirt to our Warframe Store, featuring one of Mynki’s original concepts for the Lotus symbol. 100% of all proceeds will go to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation in Mynki’s honor.


  • Warframe 1999 Demo is live on all platforms. We’ve used this Demo as a way to look for Atomicycle feedback and performance issues prior to the official release. Expect improvements when the full update ships!

  • Don’t miss the usual Gift of the Lotus Alerts live for 24 hours after the stream! Log in to play and grab a Melee Riven and Riven Cipher.

  • Warframe’s raising money for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation for the fifth year in a row. We’ve blown past our donation goals this month — if you’d like to contribute, see the full campaign at

  • Spread Excalibur’s influence past the Origin System with new stickers added to the Warframe Steam Points shop! Much love to community artist AesopYOLIAN for their incredible work.

Xaku Prime Access — Coming November 13!

The child of war and void is reborn in gold. Xaku Prime is releasing on November 13, and brings the following weapons and accessories with them:

  • Quassus Prime

  • Trumna Prime

  • Artifex Prime Syandana

  • Necra Prime Operator & Drifter Suit

 Devstream #182 Overview
 Devstream #182 Overview

Warframe 1999

Our next major update is slated for December 2024, and Warframe 1999 is ending the year with a bang! Make sure you have completed up to the Lotus Eaters Quest to gain access the new Quest, but otherwise look forward to the following content upon release:

  • New World: Höllvania

  • New Syndicate: The Hex

  • New Traversal Vehicle: Atomicycle

  • New Factions: Techrot & Scaldra

  • New Mission Type: Endless Capture

  • New Warframe: Cyte-09

  • 6 Protoframe Skins (and Gemini Emotes)

  • New Adversaries: Technocyte Coda

  • New 1999-themed Cosmetics

  • and more!

World of Höllvania

We don’t want to spoil too much about the Quest that is coming with 1999, but we want to explain the world that lies beyond it. Höllvania is not an Open Landscape, but procedurally generated tiles with seasons. Our goal is to give you a different experience across each season!

 Devstream #182 Overview

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 Devstream #182 Overview

Warframe 1999 Comic

We’ve collaborated with TBGKaru to create a 33-page comic about the Hex Syndicate as they navigate the dangers in Höllvania. We’ll avoid spoilers here for anyone who wants to wait for the comic’s release in November, but you can find a sneak peek available here.

To celebrate, Tenno can purchase a Display of the Comic’s cover in the Market now for 1 Credit!

 Devstream #182 Overview

New Adversaries: Technocyte Coda

 Devstream #182 Overview

If you’re not already familiar with On-lyne, Höllvania’s hottest boy band, they’ve made their way to the Origin system and their influence is spreading fast. Take on these Technocyte-infested foes as Adversaries, but with a twist!

Unlike Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos, Technocyte Coda introduce new mechanics to conquer them, but players are still left with the final option to Kill or Convert. Let’s get into some of the high-level differences:

  • Technocyte Coda do not use Requiem Mods, but instead must be defeated with the use of antivirus software.

  • Each Adversary comes with a guaranteed cosmetic — not necessarily Ephemeras, but also Floofs and Posters, etc. (Guaranteed band merch? In this economy??)

  • Instead of receiving a randomized weapon, Killing your Coda will reward you tokens to exchange at a Vendor. Similar to Ergo Glast, these weapons will be on rotation and will have randomized elements to them.

Technocyte Coda Weapons

Speaking of weapons, let’s take a look at what weapons will be available in this system:

  • Hema

  • Sporothrix

  • Synapse

  • Catabolyst

  • Pox

  • Tysis

  • Caustacyst

  • Hirudo

  • Mire

  • Pathocyst

  • Plus 3 new Technocyte weapons! Rumour has it, one of them is "pizza cutter" themed


 Devstream #182 Overview

Creating your own Technocyte Coda Adversary will generate from one of the 5 personalities from On-lyne! Each Adversary will come with a randomly generated name, based on computer viruses from the 90s.

When taking on your foe, you won’t only face them, but also the other members of the band — the boys have got to stick together!

We’ve taken a look at both their Infested and Human forms in the past, but here’s a direct comparison of the two so you can see how each On-lyne member has been transformed into their Technocyte Coda version.

 Devstream #182 Overview

As a bonus, here’s some of his infested animations. Fun!

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The original concept for the Technocyte Coda had each member emphasizing a different body part. With Packet, you can really SEE that inspiration come to fruition.

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 Devstream #182 Overview

Warframe Retouches: Trinity

We announced light reworks for Nyx and Trinity at TennoCon! This Devstream we’ll be covering Trinity, but Nyx fans can look for an overview of her changes with Devstream 183 in November. One common note you’ll see in these changes are an overall increase of duration for Trinity’s Abilities, and changing most of them to be cast while moving.

New Passive

Max Health increases for you and all allies within range, scaling based on Max Energy.
(ie. not how much Energy Trinity has currently, but her maximum Energy pool)

Ability 1: Well Of Life

  • Can now be cast while moving.

  • Increased duration.

  • Can now be cast on 3 enemies total (previously was only 1).

  • If Trinity or Allies die within range of the Well, the death is negated and the Well ends. There is a cooldown on the person who was saved.

Ability 2: Energy Vampire

  • Can now be cast while moving.

  • Positive Duration builds will now give additional pulses of energy. Since negative Duration is commonly used to expedite Energy output, this change will allow Energy Vampire to work better with positive Duration builds!

Ability 3: Link

  • Trinity can now recast Link while it is active.

  • Can now be cast while moving and (say it with me) increased duration.

  • The number of Link’s targets now scales with Power Strength.

Ability 3: Blessing

  • Increased duration.

  • Damage Resistance buff is not last upon recast. (this only applied to a few seconds during the start of the recast, but any loss of DR can be killer — literally)

Vampire Leech (Energy Vampire Augment) and Champion’s Blessing (Blessing Augment) are also receiving buffs!

Protoframes: Gemini Skins and Emotes

 Devstream #182 Overview

The Protoframes introduced with 1999 will be usable via their very own Gemini Skins. These skins are fully customizable and voiced. We’ve already shown off Arthur’s as part of our Quest to Conquer Cancer stretch goals, but we have Lettie and Amir to show you today.

Before we dive into their showcases, here’s a few details on how customizing these Gemini Skins will work:

  • You can change the hair color on each Gemini skin, using a new "Hair Color Tint" option in the Appearance screen.

  • Certain attachments can be removed, like Amir’s glasses! (if Volt players want an excuse for why they keep running into walls, we recommend this option)

  • Gemini Skins have custom voice lines for various interactions throughout the game, so feel free to waypoint, reload, jump on your Atomicycle, and more to hear them all!

  • Use Gemini Emotes to swap between appearance configs in-mission!

Lettie (Trinity)

Fun fact: Lettie is named after Pablo’s mom!

Amir (Volt)


Warframe 1999 is bringing a new vehicle to your Arsenal: the Atomicycle!

Handling Improvements

Tenno who jumped into the demo may be familiar with this hot new ride, and maybe felt that the controls were not quite up to muster. We have heard your feedback and have improvements slated for the official update’s release:

Atomicycle Skins

There are 11 Atomicycle Skins coming in total, but the team prepared 7 to show to you today:

The clip above showcases the Tenno, Medic, Monster, Graffiti, and Color Shift variants. We’re also releasing the "Naked" and "Rust" versions below:
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 Devstream #182 Overview

New Drifter / Operator Cosmetics

Your Warframes aren’t the only ones getting sweet cosmetics straight from the 90s. Drifters (and Operators!) can also look totally rad with the following outfits available in the Market:

Athletic Themed
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Military Themed
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Y2K Accessories
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Goth Themed
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Not that there is any bias on the Devstream team whatsoever, but coincidentally we had quite a few additional assets to show for this one:

1999 TennoGen

At TennoCon earlier this year, we announced a special round of 1999-themed Drifter (and Operator) accessories. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve selected 5 items to launch with Warframe 1999. Check out the official forum thread for more info!

Techrot Enemies

One of the new factions introduced with Warframe 1999 are Infested with a Techrot twist. As a result, you may come across some foes in Höllvania that have similar counterparts in the Origin System.

Techrot Charger

Infested Chargers with a twist — instead of charging towards you, these foes will launch themselves like a cannonball!

Techrot Ancient

The Techrot version of the Infested Ancient comes with two new abilities: the "Ballerina" (which electrocutes enemies within range) and the Slam.

With this new variant of Ancient, we’ve updated their animations to better telegraph their abilities. Some of these improvements are coming to the Origin System Ancients so you can better react to their attacks.

Unnamed Infested Enemy

This enemy is based on the Unudoza, a conservation target found on the Cambion Drift. Unlike their Deimos counterparts, you may need more than a Tranq Rifle to deal with the Techrot variant.


This is a concept for a large enemy that is a rarer threat. Beware of their reach when you encounter them!
 Devstream #182 Overview

Other Content

Caliber Chicks 2 and Ollie’s Crashcourse

We’ve been working with our friends at Sumo to introduce a new minigame to the Höllvania Mall arcade. Choose between Jillian or Lillian in Caliber Chicks 2, and compete for a high score on the leaderboard!

Continuing our work with the incredible James Conlin, Ollie’s Crashcourse will also get its own minigame release in a future update after 1999.

Other Tidbits

  • AX-52 is returning via a vendor in 1999.

  • Endless Capture game mode involves players hunting down an Infested enemy, but every time you defeat him, he evolves and you need to track him down once more. As time goes on, new Abilities are introduced and the stakes escalate!

  • We’ve been collaborating with The Line to create an anime short for Warframe 1999! Here’s a background piece from one of the scenes as we wait for its official release:

 Devstream #182 Overview