By now you've probably at least heard of The Hex — our newest Syndicate releasing as part of Warframe: 1999 this December. Made up of six unique Warframe/Human hybrids known as Protoframes, you'll come to know each member of this elite combat unit during your exploits in Höllvania. For now, you can gain some insights into their personalities by reading the mysterious collection of dossiers on our website, or checking out our Showcase Video on YouTube, embedded below:
As revealed on Devstream 183, each member of The Hex will have something unique to offer as you work your way through 1999.
Arthur Nightingale
De facto Leader of the group, professionally trained. Acts as overall combat coordinator.
Arthur will be your point of contact for progressing within The Hex Syndicate. Increase your standing to rank up and unlock new conversation options with the group.
Aoi Morohoshi
Second-in-command, the heart to Arthur's head. An expert Atomicycle mechanic.
As the group's resident audiophile, Aoi fittingly offers new Somachord tones featuring music from Warframe: 1999.
Amir Beckett
Technical expert and resident speed demon. Young, jittery, but fast as hell and just as funny.
Ever busy and bustling, Amir holds the Blueprints to some spectacular 1999-themed Weapons you might have missed, including the AX-52 and Vesper-77. He also offers Blueprints for the Cyte-09 Warframe and signature Reconifex rifle.
Eleanor Nightingale
Arthur's sister, master of psychological warfare. Significantly more affected by Techrot exposure than the rest of The Hex.
This master of mental manipulation will be your go-to source for Warframe: 1999's new Arcanes.
Leticia (Lettie) Garcia
Team medic and strategist. Ever the cynic, she connects easier with her pet rats than her teammates.
Visit Lettie to exchange Syndicate Medallions for Hex Standing!
Quincy Isaacs
Sharpshooter and ranged combat support. Arrogant, but that's owing largely to his immense skill.
The razor-eyed ballistics expert will offer various Customizations and Captura scenes to keep you looking fresh and focused.
For the first time ever, we've developed an intricate "Romance & Relationship System" allowing you to take your relationship with The Hex in some intriguing new directions! If you aren't ready to jump into the dating scene, that's okay too. The new system still offers full functionality and engagement if a platonic relationship is more your speed.
We’ll save the specifics for our Warframe: 1999 patch notes, but you’ll be able to increase your Chemistry with Hex members through various means: chatting in the KIM (Kinemantik Instant Messaging) program via the Pom-2, sending gifts and more!
Want to take your relationship to the next level? Dating a Hex member will become possible once you've achieved a certain Chemistry rank with them (the exact rank will vary from Protoframe to Protoframe).
Where your newfound relationships lead remains to be seen, but if you play your cards right you just might be able to score a New Year's Eve kiss with your chosen Hex member. Of course, some kisses will be less… traditional than others, as seen in the clip below. Not that we're judging, of course:
Before you get too excited (ahem), it's worth mentioning that only one Protoframe will be datable at a time. Any Tenno with a wandering eye will be forced to break up with their current partner before pursuing a new one.