Would you like to see your favorite fluffball in Warframe?
Introducing the Tenno’s Best Friend Contest! Share a picture of your cat or dog that incorporates Warframe, and we’ll bring one pretty kitty and one good boy to life in-game with a Kavat and Kubrow Skin inspired by your pet! These Skins will be available for sale in the Market. so everyone can use your immortalized best friend!
How to enter:
Winners will be determined based on their creativity. Maybe it’s time to share your cat’s secret Warframe skills, or maybe this is the Ember Cosplay opportunity your dog has been waiting for. Just have fun with it!
Need an example?
1st place Kavat – 1000 Platinum and the Kavat Skin inspired by your pet!
1st place Kubrow – 1000 Platinum and the Kubrow Skin inspired by your pet!
2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
3rd place – 750 Platinum!
4th place – 500 Platinum!
5th place – 250 Platinum!
Winners will be determined based on creativity used to incorporate Warframe into a photo of their pet!
This contest starts now until August 23 at 1 p.m. ET!
ALL PLAYERS FROM EACH PLATFORM CAN PARTICIPATE! We can’t wait to see your photos! Good luck!