Hey Tenno,
This year, TennoCon will showcase 10 past Featured Dojo Contest winners in a series of 2 minute tours! A Community Team member will host, guiding TennoCon viewers through each beautiful Dojo.
All past Featured Dojo Contest winners are eligible to submit their Dojo for consideration. Either the Founding Warlord or the Architect who submitted a winning Dojo will receive an in-game inbox message from the Warframe Community Team between today and Friday, April 30. That inbox message will contain all the details your Clan needs to submit!
Spring 2021 Featured Dojo Contest winners will also be eligible. The contest runs May 7 - 20 with winners announced Thursday, May 27. Those winners will receive an inbox message on Friday, May 28!
Eligible Clans have until Thursday, June 10 to submit their Dojos.
We look forward to highlighting Dojos at TennoCon! From careful details to massive landscapes, your creative ideas are a treasured part of the Warframe community.
Five PC Dojos, two PlayStation Dojos, two Xbox Dojos, and one Nintendo Switch Dojo have been selected for the TennoCon 2021 Dojo Showcase! The pre-recorded tours will play between panels during the TennoCon 2021 live stream.
Inbox messages have been sent to the ten selected Clans, detailing what they should expect on the day of TennoCon 2021.
A huge thank you to all who submitted their Dojos for consideration. Choosing the final ten was a challenge! It was a delight to see participation from recent Featured Dojo Contest winners and to see how Dojos from early rounds of the contest have grown over the years. Most of all, I loved reading about what inspired your designs and the close bonds you’ve formed. The communities you’ve created in your Clans are truly special.
We look forward to adding your Clan Tier Displays directly to your Clan Vaults shortly after TennoCon 2021!