Hi Tenno, we’re back again with update note highlights from this week! If you were too busy playing with the new batch of TennoGen, fret not! We have laid out all the important changes from our PC deployments down below.
For our Console Tenno, no hotfixes were released this week, but we submitted your next build to Cert a day early! Learn about what’s coming in this update and when to expect it in our status threads here:
Before we go over what changed this week, we do want to make sure you’ll all aware that some Warframe Ability changes will be coming soon. The Warframes affected are: Ash, Atlas, Banshee, Chroma, Ember, Gara, Mag, Volt, and Zephyr.
We have outlined them all in our Developer Workshop, which you can read in full here.
- Added a new celebratory success sound for doing a perfect Mining extraction in the Plains!
- Added different levels of FX for Mining success.
- The Mining outline now stays visible longer (8 seconds) while you're cutting.
- Reduced the accuracy required to get a perfect Mining extraction, meaning you don’t need to be as close to the line as before!
Plains of Eidolon
- Added a Mote Amp Blueprint to Onkko’s inventory (you can now purchase a new one with Standing in case you sold yours).
- Final stage of all Bounties now rewards an item from tier 1 or 2 (instead of tier 0,1, or 2).
- You can now preview custom weapon Zaw builds from Hok and Amps from Onkko with parts you don't own yet.
- Fixed Bait falling through the water along the ocean.
- Reduced the time between Bounty stages from 8 seconds to 4 seconds so you’re not waiting around for Lotus to tell you where to go next.
- Mastery ranked locked items in the Foundry will now display which exact Mastery Level is required instead of just saying ‘MASTERY LOCKED’.
- Fixed the Arca Plasmor dealing 0 damage on headshots.