The next chapter of Warframe is about to begin!
With backwards compatibility, you can jump in now on Xbox Series X|S and play the Xbox One version of Warframe! For Tenno on PlayStation 4, you’ll be able to do the same when you receive your PlayStation 5.
While you won't be playing the next-gen versions of the game quite yet, you'll experience faster loading times and smoother gameplay throughout the entire Origin System, especially in open-world landscapes like the Cambion Drift on Deimos.
Play alongside your Squad and cross-save your Account from Xbox One to Xbox Series X|S, or from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5.
Some answers you may be looking for as we add these next-gen consoles:
Backwards compatibility:
Yes! You can find the PS4 version of Warframe available for download in the Official PlayStation Store.
There will be cross-save only between PS4 and PS5.
PS4 and PS5 Tenno can play together.
Account migration:
At this time, we are not allowing for Account Migration from any platforms.
Release date:
Next-generation Warframe launches later this year.
Backwards compatibility:
Yes! You can find the Xbox One version of Warframe available for download in the Xbox Games Store.
There will be cross-save only between Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.
Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S Tenno can play together.
Account migration:
At this time, we are not allowing for Account Migration from any platforms.
Release date:
Stay tuned for more information.
Learn more here about how we’ve worked to make Warframe look and feel truly next-gen, and stay tuned for more information on when you can experience it for yourself!