Tenno, as we continue to update our web presence, we are adding a new category to our main site: Update Notes!
For 8 years our Update Notes have existed exclusively on our forums, which require a certain familiarity with online communities to navigate. Today we are launching a new page on our website in the hopes of making it easier for you to find all of the changes and patches we add to the game.
You can now find all of our patch notes at https://www.warframe.com/updates. We made this decision for several reasons:
1. Our forums use a third-party host, which has the small risk of potentially losing all of our notes forever so by also hosting them on our website we could ensure the permanency of our years of hard work
2 . It streamlines access to other news, announcements and account changes by placing you directly on the Warframe website.
Does this mean the forums are going away?
No! In fact, we aren’t even replacing our forum Patch Notes section. You can still use the forums to discuss updates, changes that you would like to see or to engage with fellow Tenno. In fact, at the end of every patch note, you will find a handy link to allow you to discuss it in the forums.
We hope you enjoy this change and as always invite you to share any feedback with us.