Community Spotlight: DKDiamantes
The Stalker's most dedicated fan!
Gepostet am 2016-04-27 13:02:22
Community Spotlight: DKDiamantes

When it comes to a variety of Warframe video content there are few community members more dedicated DKDiamantes, self-proclaimed Stalker enthusiast and all-purpose content creator. DK's work cover a wide range of Warframe subjects -- from in-depth discussions and theories on lore to experiments with new builds in the Arsenal. If you're looking for something fresh, the odds are he's got it.

That's why we decided to reach out to DK to find out exactly how it is he's able to create so much excellent content. Demonic sacrifice? Arcane necromantic infusion? Overwhelming enthusiasm for entertaining his fans? Read on, and you be the judge.

Tell us a bit about yourself!

I'm DK, the channel is DKDiamantes, and I primarily cover Warframe content. I also cover some other little games, but it's primarily Warframe. I think most people know me more for lore discussions, and being a big Stalker fanboy in general.

Yeah, I think that's the overall feel of my channel. I take a look at weapons and Warframes, all of the new stuff, but I don't go into super in depth reviews. It's more my general reactions to things, my first reactions. Sometimes I screw up pretty bad but at least it's entertaining!

Your channel also has a pretty unique tagline. So what is the meaning behind Humanity First?

I could, but I don't know if DE is going to get mad at me for mentioning a different game…

My channel used to be all about Mass Effect 3, and I got a lot of my viewers from playing the multiplayer of it. One of the big factions in ME3 was the really bad xenophobic unit called Cerebus, and their tagline was Humanity First because they were all about humans being the dominant species and they wanted to kill all the other aliens.

I kinda just adopted it because I really liked the Cerberus aesthetic so I just kinda grabbed that and took it as my tagline. I wish I had some altruistic story about world peace, but it’s just a silly tagline from a video game I like.

So what got you into Warframe?

It was kind of an accident. I hate to keep bringing up Mass Effect 3 but when that died out one of my friends had just bought a new gaming pc and he was like 'oh if you like that you're gonna love this game called Warframe. It's like the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer but like a billion times better, with way more customization, the combats better, you have more powers, more movement, there's more flexibility, there's more of a grind -- it's like your favorite game except a hundredfold.'

So I kinda had to at least give it a try, and at the time I was running it on a really shitty laptop. When even on my laptop it ran pretty well I knew it was a keeper. That's how the transition to Warframe happened.

What got you started into making video content?

At the time I was just making videos on whatever game I was playing, so when I got into Warframe I was like 'Oh I'll make a video on this and see if anybody cares.' I wasn't really expecting too much because my channel was relatively small at the time. I just thought ok, I'll make a Warframe video. I'll play this for now…

I think I played Apollodorus for ten minutes with Mag and the Braton. I was like, ‘here's this game I picked up. It's free, and you can't argue with the cost of that.’ It's fun, so if you want to see more of it let me know.

It just kinda blew up from there, and everybody wanted to see more Warframe. I thought hey, this seems like a good thing to do. -laughs-

Your channel covers a pretty wide range of Warframe subjects, from lore to the usual weapon theorycrafting. How do you go about deciding what to tackle?

I guess as far as weapons are concerned it's whatever the new thing is. I don't really like covering the old stuff because there's already so many reviews on the old guns that I think I don't really have a whole lot to add to the conversation. So if there's a new weapon or something out I'm like, ok that first. Or if Prime Access just came out, cover that first because more people are going to want to see that.

I try and make any new lore stuff the forefront. There aren't many channels that are covering Warframe lore, so I guess I go based on what's the newest thing or whatever looks coolest to me.

You said you don't like covering the old stuff, but your Second Chance videos are a lot of fun to watch!

That's true! -laughs-

I haven't done a Second Chance in a while, I kinda need to get back into those, but I remember I started the Second Chance because I would look at some of the old weapons and be like 'this weapon is terrible!' And it's like the only reason it's terrible is because I'm comparing it to all the newer stuff.

Like the Braton. You can look at it and say 'That's terrible! Why would I use that when I could just use the Soma Prime?' Well, the Soma Prime wasn't always available. Sometimes Second Chances are nice because you can take a step back and look at it from a different perspective and…well, don't compare it to the Soma Prime. Look at it for what it is not what everything else is.

Is there something that inspires you to give a specific Mod or weapon another look?

Sometimes it's kind of accidental. I have this series on my channel called The Randomizer where I literally just go into the Warframe Randomizer site and pick a random loadout. Sometimes it gives me weapons I would have never thought of touching and I'll think 'ok this needs a second chance, because I didn't realize this was gonna be good'.

Sometimes it can lead into an Augment Mod. If I hadn't used Mag in a while I'll get that Shield Polarize Mod and think, ‘maybe I should try using an Augment this time because I haven't used her in a while.' I guess it kinda depends on what I'm doing at the time, if I want to give a Mod or a weapon a second chance.

Lore is another huge part of your channel, and it's something not a lot of other channels cover. What got you so deep into making lore videos?

I keep saying this, but a lot of content on my channel kinda happened by accident. I didn't get into lore on purpose. It was never my goal to get into lore, but when I was first playing Warframe somebody took me on a derelict survival mission and we were in there for like forty minutes. They were carrying the hell out of me.

I remember picking up an Orokin Cell and saying, what exactly is an Orokin? I don't remember seeing anything in the tutorial about an Orokin. There are Derelicts. There are Orokin Cells, Reactors, what? What exactly is this?

So just from wondering what the hell an Orokin was I started looking into it and I noticed in the comments a lot of other people were curious about who the Orokin were, what they stood for, or what their history was. I just kinda started from there, from the question of what's an Orokin Cell and why is it called that? And it just kind of spiraled off into every element of lore I could get my hands on.

Is there any part of the lore you've found yourself surprisingly excited about?

I think at this point, as far as lore goes, everybody is going to say the Second Dream and what the Tenno ended up being. I think the revelation that there was Transference in place and the Tenno were just kind of these children in these little pods controlling these big, beefy, powerful Warframes was probably a pretty big surprise to a lot of people -- especially those who said they're energy beings!

They're energy beings! They're just shifting through suits!

Is there anything you'd really like to dive into post-Second Dream?

I would really like to see more Stalker stuff, but I guess that's kind of bias on my part. What I really liked about the Second Dream was that you got a little more detail about the Stalker and what he's been through, and why he's the insane stalker that he is. So I always like covering Stalker stuff because of how mysterious he’s always been.

Not putting DE on blast here or anything, but if you could do another Stalker Quest that would be great! -laughs- Like maybe a little more on those Acolytes? Just sayin.

Do you have a favorite Warframe or build?

I love my Nova Prime, and I love having her as a slow Nova. Just being able to slather the entire map, slow it down to a crawl, then even my terrible aim can take care of big packs of enemies. It’s always a huge plus when a power makes my aim good.

Any advice for those looking to start their own video channels?

I don’t think you need to do anything special. Just start playing Warframe, start recording it, start talking about it. Handle it like you handle any other game because that's what people care about. There's so many review channels out there, don't try to be like everybody else. Just play the game and eventually you'll find your niche and people will start watching.

And if they don't, that's ok! Warframe is still pretty fun even if you don't have like 30,000 people watching and judging your every action.

Well it was fantastic speaking with you. We really appreciate you setting aside the time to chat with us!

I appreciate you guys wanting to talk to me! I was always convinced that DE had no clue who I was! -laughs-

We definitely have you on our radar!

Excellent! I don't know if that's good or bad…

It's good! We promise!

Maybe I want to be off the radar!

A tremendous 'thank you' goes out to DKDiamantes for spending some time with us! If you'd like to see more of his work then be sure to check his Youtube channel or follow him on Twitter for regular updates …on top of some occasional Stalker fanservice.