Tenno, a new update has arrived featuring the newest Conclave mode, Lunaro, and much more!
A contact ball-sport played long ago by Tenno of years past, Lunaro is a new Conclave mode that accommodates up to three players per team. This new game mode focuses on skill, mobility, teamwork and creativity.
Work together on team Sun or Moon to move the ball -- or Lunaro -- up an Orokin arena, into the opponents' goal. Defend your zone by smashing the Lunaro out of your opponent’s possession or knocking them to the ground with a crushing hit.
Join in the honor-bound tradition of Lunaro today!
New Weapon
Dark Split-Sword: Use as a devastating heavy sword or apply a Dual Melee stance and split the weapon into two ferocious blades.
New Customizations
Weapon Skins and Armor:
- Riv Elite Guards: This ornate set of Guards was worn by Ancient Lunaro champions.
- Arcata Riv Skin: A stylized Arcata Skin for Lunaro.
Operator Customizations
- 10 new Hairstyles
- 16 new, free Faces
- 8 new, free Markings
- 8 new Accessories
Mods and Misc
Syndicate Augments
- Wukong (New Loka) – Iron Vault, Primal Rage
- Nekros (Red Veil) – Creeping Terrify
- Ivara (The Perrin Sequence) – Infiltrate
Mod Drop (Arena)
- Shotgun – Silent Battery
Executioner Dhurnam Noggle: Decorate your Landing Craft with this Executioner Dhurnam in Noggle form.
Other items include changes and fixes to Volt, Trinity, Valkyr, Mag, and Rathuum!
For full update details, head over to our Forums.