If you're seeing this page it could be for one of the following reasons, but before starting to troubleshoot the issue, please try to reboot your computer first.
A common problem is issues with system RAM. This can be easily tested with the built-in Windows Memory Diagnostics. Using the Windows Start Menu search for Windows Memory Diagnostics and follow the prompts as they are displayed.
When temperatures rise too high in computers there can be a lot of random and very troublesome issues that come up. Checking your fans for dust and that they are working correctly is a great place to start. It may be possible to use manufacturer software that shows internal temperatures to help you in your troubleshooting. Overclocking also causes unnecessary heat inside of a computer.
If you have overclocked your system you can make an effort to disable CPU and RAM overclocking as a test. Instabilities here often cause many errors. This will need to be done through the previous Software/BIOS changes that you made. If hardware that you have purchased comes factory overclocked, you may need to contact your manufacturer for a way to disable this overclocking in order to fully test.
We want Warframe to work for you and this page is intended to get you in the game. If nothing helps you please contact your computer manufacturer or a local technician and see if they can help.