
Ghouls #3

End of Ghouls #3
Proceed to next comic?
Ghouls #4


  • Published by
  • Top Cow Productions, Inc.
  • Los Angeles
  • Written by:
  • Matt Hawkins
  • Ryan Cady
  • With Cam Rogers & Ryan Mole
  • Based on an idea by: Steve Sinclair
  • Art by: Studio Hive
  • Lettered by: Troy Peteri
  • Chapter 3
  • It's so quiet.
  • No Grineer that I can see. I think they've left town.
  • Our new friend here must have scared them off.
  • Ai yo. I spent my whole life hearing legends about the Tenno, I meet two in less than a week... and yet I miss seeing them by a matter of hours.
  • By The Unum, the universe has a sense of humor.
  • Mitsuki, please. You must guide us to the Void Gate. Your "Golden Door."
  • Lotus. You sent the Tenno here. Don't you want us to save Excalibur?
  • I have pulled Transference. Reclaiming Excalibur is important, but Vor entering the Gate could have dire consequences.
  • Rightio. Then you'd best follow me.
  • North of the village. Into the caves there. Don't sweat, I could get us there blindfolded.
  • So is a Void Gate as terrifying as it sounds?
  • Guess The Lotus doesn't always chime in.
  • We're told they lead to old Orokin ships and stations. full of salvage components... tech.
  • Stuff that would be dangerours in the Grineer's hands.
  • Like... the kind of Orokin tech we scavenge for? Once we found a machine that reduced even solid rock to slag.
  • They were within arm's reach of godhood. There was almost nothing they couldn't do.
  • Do you think, in the gate, there might be some kind of medical --
  • What?
  • Apologies for not... "chiming in," but I've been monitoring Grineer transmissions across the sector.
  • Vor has gone radio silent. I believe he's preparing a final push.
  • But, we're safe now. Your Tenno defeated the Grineer.
  • They merely retreated-- Vor isn't willing to risk losing this fight.
  • I believe he's waiting for us to open The Gate for him.
  • No way. My shot was one in a million--he didn't let me get this Void Key-- he was angry.
  • Vor is a master tactician. He's adapted every time his plans have been thwarted here.
  • We have to be careful, but we need to hurry.
  • Then let's not waste more time waiting.
  • There are likely still patrols nearby. Possibly in the caves, unaware of the Gate's location but waiting just the same.
  • This has to be it, right?
  • Cold air.
  • Wet stone.
  • The sound of the wind, low.
  • This is it.
  • Okay, first twist. Left or right?
  • Uh, I think... right?
  • I can't remember. I can't see! I just wish I could--
  • Shh! Wait...
  • What is that sound?
  • HrrrRNNNGGHhhhh
  • Grineer!
  • Stay behind us, Mitsuki!
  • Mitsuki!
  • *GASP*
  • AH!
  • NO!
  • Hey, ugly.
  • You picked a hell of a time to go jogging.
  • Sorry.
  • Chut. Let's just... keep going.
  • It's been a rough day. Mag can take it from here.
  • Khanung. I'm blind, not helpless. Just keep heading north.
  • I'm... fine.
  • I know what' I'm doing.
  • Ta dah.
  • No kidding.
  • No kidding.
  • I know that you have harbored some doubts about my campaign here on Earth.
  • But I have never doubted your faith in me. I would die before I allowed myself to fail you.
  • I have maintained morale among even the lowest levels of infantry.
  • I have field-tested the new Ghoul units against our greatest enemy, and I have not found them wanting.
  • And, yes, there have been sacrifices.
  • I have... felt loss.
  • My brothers and I have bled for this campaign, but a small loss leads to a greater victory!
  • Do you still have doubts, my Queens? Do you not see my plan at work?
  • To train a wild Kubrow can take years, and inevitably, the feral beast will betray even the most patient master.
  • But give it a long enough leash?
  • It will lead you straight back to its burrow.
  • Watch, as they reveal what they once fought tooth and nail to keep from me.
  • My Queens, your resources are not wasted here. We shall triumph, and bring home spoils unimaginable.
  • And why is that, Brothers and Sisters?!
  • Your empire will stretch beyond the Void itself. The mysteries of the Orokin will be yours for the taking.
  • No longer will the Warframes serve the meaningless tasks set forth by the Lotus and her Tenno.
  • Once the secrets within that Gate are unlocked, this technology -- and all like it -- will be yours to control.
  • The scanners are ready.
  • The troops are ready.
  • I am ready.
  • The Golden Age of the Grineer will begin on this planet.
  • The moment those fools open that Void Gate... the moment those fools open that Void Gate...
  • "We will come for them."
  • I can remember what it looks like. We called it the "Golden Door."
  • A Void Gate connecting two points in space.
  • And a very old one, at that.
  • We have no way of knowing where it could lead.
  • Solaris United has as much right to what's on the other side of that thing as you do.
  • There are dangers beyond that gate that you've never dreamed of.
  • Mitsuki --
  • Khanung!
  • When everyone is dead, and you live, it is you who has become the ghost.
  • I would aid the living.
  • You heard the girl.
  • Very well.
  • Tenno, take the key and open the Gate. Prepare yourself.
  • Captain! Captain!
  • Finally.
  • Never forget, as we charge headlong into the Void, into the unknown...
  • You are part of the greatest army -- the greatest empire -- in history.
  • You are Grineer!
  • Go forth, my Brothers and Sisters!
  • You came to us as a foe, Tenno. But now you've been stripped of your power.
  • And when my work is done...
  • You will not serve the Lotus' glory.
  • You will serve ours.
  • It smells wrong here.
  • I cannot tell where you are, but from Mag's readings, you're on a deep space vessel.
  • Always thought Orokin ships would be a bit more... expensive.
  • In the old days, they were more... elegant.
  • The most beautiful and brilliant technologies ever made.
  • Reduced to this.
  • Nobody but us, and ghosts.
  • You need treatment.
  • What's the plan here, Lotus?
  • From the command deck, it's possible to shut down the Gate, at Earthside, so that Vor and his troops won't be able to follow. As for Mitsuki --
  • Hold on. Tenno, this vessel contains an Arogya Medica -- impossible. I believed they were all destroyed.
  • Sounds valuable.
  • Wait, "Medica?" Could we use that to help Mitsuki?
  • I don't trust anything on this ship.
  • You cannot let Vor get his hands on The Medica.
  • As for Mitsuki, I do not think--KSSSHHH-- Ostron -- KSSSSHHH-- the risk --
  • She's gone. How is she gone?!
  • Wait, do you hear that?
  • "I don't think we're alone in here."
  • To be continued...


  • Published by
  • Top Cow Productions, Inc.
  • Los Angeles
  • Written by:
  • Matt Hawkins
  • Ryan Cady
  • With Cam Rogers & Ryan Mole
  • Based on an idea by: Steve Sinclair
  • Art by: Studio Hive
  • Lettered by: Troy Peteri
  • Chapter 3
  • It's so quiet.
  • No Grineer that I can see. I think they've left town.
  • Our new friend here must have scared them off.
  • Ai yo. I spent my whole life hearing legends about the Tenno, I meet two in less than a week... and yet I miss seeing them by a matter of hours.
  • By The Unum, the universe has a sense of humor.
  • Mitsuki, please. You must guide us to the Void Gate. Your "Golden Door."
  • Lotus. You sent the Tenno here. Don't you want us to save Excalibur?
  • I have pulled Transference. Reclaiming Excalibur is important, but Vor entering the Gate could have dire consequences.
  • Rightio. Then you'd best follow me.
  • North of the village. Into the caves there. Don't sweat, I could get us there blindfolded.
  • So is a Void Gate as terrifying as it sounds?
  • Guess The Lotus doesn't always chime in.
  • We're told they lead to old Orokin ships and stations. full of salvage components... tech.
  • Stuff that would be dangerours in the Grineer's hands.
  • Like... the kind of Orokin tech we scavenge for? Once we found a machine that reduced even solid rock to slag.
  • They were within arm's reach of godhood. There was almost nothing they couldn't do.
  • Do you think, in the gate, there might be some kind of medical --
  • What?
  • Apologies for not... "chiming in," but I've been monitoring Grineer transmissions across the sector.
  • Vor has gone radio silent. I believe he's preparing a final push.
  • But, we're safe now. Your Tenno defeated the Grineer.
  • They merely retreated-- Vor isn't willing to risk losing this fight.
  • I believe he's waiting for us to open The Gate for him.
  • No way. My shot was one in a million--he didn't let me get this Void Key-- he was angry.
  • Vor is a master tactician. He's adapted every time his plans have been thwarted here.
  • We have to be careful, but we need to hurry.
  • Then let's not waste more time waiting.
  • There are likely still patrols nearby. Possibly in the caves, unaware of the Gate's location but waiting just the same.
  • This has to be it, right?
  • Cold air.
  • Wet stone.
  • The sound of the wind, low.
  • This is it.
  • Okay, first twist. Left or right?
  • Uh, I think... right?
  • I can't remember. I can't see! I just wish I could--
  • Shh! Wait...
  • What is that sound?
  • HrrrRNNNGGHhhhh
  • Grineer!
  • Stay behind us, Mitsuki!
  • Mitsuki!
  • *GASP*
  • AH!
  • NO!
  • Hey, ugly.
  • You picked a hell of a time to go jogging.
  • Sorry.
  • Chut. Let's just... keep going.
  • It's been a rough day. Mag can take it from here.
  • Khanung. I'm blind, not helpless. Just keep heading north.
  • I'm... fine.
  • I know what' I'm doing.
  • Ta dah.
  • No kidding.
  • No kidding.
  • I know that you have harbored some doubts about my campaign here on Earth.
  • But I have never doubted your faith in me. I would die before I allowed myself to fail you.
  • I have maintained morale among even the lowest levels of infantry.
  • I have field-tested the new Ghoul units against our greatest enemy, and I have not found them wanting.
  • And, yes, there have been sacrifices.
  • I have... felt loss.
  • My brothers and I have bled for this campaign, but a small loss leads to a greater victory!
  • Do you still have doubts, my Queens? Do you not see my plan at work?
  • To train a wild Kubrow can take years, and inevitably, the feral beast will betray even the most patient master.
  • But give it a long enough leash?
  • It will lead you straight back to its burrow.
  • Watch, as they reveal what they once fought tooth and nail to keep from me.
  • My Queens, your resources are not wasted here. We shall triumph, and bring home spoils unimaginable.
  • And why is that, Brothers and Sisters?!
  • Your empire will stretch beyond the Void itself. The mysteries of the Orokin will be yours for the taking.
  • No longer will the Warframes serve the meaningless tasks set forth by the Lotus and her Tenno.
  • Once the secrets within that Gate are unlocked, this technology -- and all like it -- will be yours to control.
  • The scanners are ready.
  • The troops are ready.
  • I am ready.
  • The Golden Age of the Grineer will begin on this planet.
  • The moment those fools open that Void Gate... the moment those fools open that Void Gate...
  • "We will come for them."
  • I can remember what it looks like. We called it the "Golden Door."
  • A Void Gate connecting two points in space.
  • And a very old one, at that.
  • We have no way of knowing where it could lead.
  • Solaris United has as much right to what's on the other side of that thing as you do.
  • There are dangers beyond that gate that you've never dreamed of.
  • Mitsuki --
  • Khanung!
  • When everyone is dead, and you live, it is you who has become the ghost.
  • I would aid the living.
  • You heard the girl.
  • Very well.
  • Tenno, take the key and open the Gate. Prepare yourself.
  • Captain! Captain!
  • Finally.
  • Never forget, as we charge headlong into the Void, into the unknown...
  • You are part of the greatest army -- the greatest empire -- in history.
  • You are Grineer!
  • Go forth, my Brothers and Sisters!
  • You came to us as a foe, Tenno. But now you've been stripped of your power.
  • And when my work is done...
  • You will not serve the Lotus' glory.
  • You will serve ours.
  • It smells wrong here.
  • I cannot tell where you are, but from Mag's readings, you're on a deep space vessel.
  • Always thought Orokin ships would be a bit more... expensive.
  • In the old days, they were more... elegant.
  • The most beautiful and brilliant technologies ever made.
  • Reduced to this.
  • Nobody but us, and ghosts.
  • You need treatment.
  • What's the plan here, Lotus?
  • From the command deck, it's possible to shut down the Gate, at Earthside, so that Vor and his troops won't be able to follow. As for Mitsuki --
  • Hold on. Tenno, this vessel contains an Arogya Medica -- impossible. I believed they were all destroyed.
  • Sounds valuable.
  • Wait, "Medica?" Could we use that to help Mitsuki?
  • I don't trust anything on this ship.
  • You cannot let Vor get his hands on The Medica.
  • As for Mitsuki, I do not think--KSSSHHH-- Ostron -- KSSSSHHH-- the risk --
  • She's gone. How is she gone?!
  • Wait, do you hear that?
  • "I don't think we're alone in here."
  • To be continued...
End of Ghouls #3
Proceed to next comic?