Equinox Prime is back, Tenno! Embodying the divergent celestial forces of both light and dark, this master of duality is now available from the current Prime Resurgence rotation along with her Prime Weapons and Accessories. Earn or instantly unlock her to enjoy untold build possibilities thanks to her unique Day and Night Aspects.
Whether you prefer to go on the offensive, or hang back and support your Squadmates, the highly-versatile Equinox Prime has something to offer for everyone.
Take a look at some of our favorite build guides from the Warframe community below. Hopefully they’ll provide some inspiration for how to Mod your new Equinox Prime!
GrindHardSquad’s (GHS) Equinox build is based off a dynamic they discussed in a previous video - namely, the incredible damage you can achieve when you combine the “Marked for Death” Helminth Ability, Equinox’s Rest (Sleep) Ability, any Rapier weapon, and Arcane Trickery. Used in conjunction, these give you the power to take out a room full of sleeping enemies with a well-placed finisher. It is then possible to “double nuke” by accumulating damage from Marked for Death, and releasing with Equinox’s Maim Ability.
It’s worth noting that this setup is achievable in a few different ways. A safer and more efficient version includes the Skiajati Melee Weapon in lieu of a Rapier, which renders you invisible for a few seconds after executing a finisher move. This improves survivability for higher level Steel Path Missions, but will not “charge” your Maim to the same degree.
For maximum damage output AND added defense (i.e. for Steel Path), it’s best to equip a Rapier weapon and add both the Mecha Pulse Mod and Arcane Guardian for added Defense. The Calm & Frenzy Augment Mod is also a useful addition for Energy efficiency, as it allows you to spread the effects of Rest around without having to recast. And if you want the benefits of invisibility from the Skiajati version, you can always equip a Huras Kubrow and take advantage of its Stalk Mod to recast Abilities, or recharge your Energy.
GHS recommends staying in Night-mode while running this build, and adding the subsumable Gloom Ability from Sevagoth along with the Peaceful Provocation Augment Mod. This means that Pacify will slow down enemies, and also stack with the slowing power of Gloom. The result? A powerful solo build with overwhelming crowd control!
As the title of this video suggests, Brozime’s “Dayquinox” build forgoes the Night Aspect entirely, removing the Metamorphosis Ability and limiting Equinox to Day-mode only. Instead, it’s replaced with the subsumable Gloom Ability from Sevagoth which allows for pretty much everything that Night-mode does, only better.
Maim is the backbone of this build, and should be cast whenever you have it built up. Provoke and Rage will not be particularly useful (although the Strength boost that Provoke offers your Squadmates will likely be appreciated). Uniquely, this build also includes Power Drain (a Parazon Mod).
With this combination of Mods, you can cast Gloom, then cast Maim, and then deliver a Parazon finisher to a stunned foe, giving you 50% additional Ability Strength. Recasting Gloom with this added Strength will then slow your enemies down dramatically. Brozime recommends adding Stretch to increase Range, and Adaptation for extra survivability.
Note that this build is less effective against Grineer than other factions, due to Maim’s inefficacy against Armor. It’s also worth pointing out that this build is better with a full Squad, since your Squadmates can benefit from Provoke, and also help recharge your Maim. If you really want to take it solo, Brozime recommends adding both Arcane Energize and Arcane Eruption.
L1fewater’s Equinox build is an extremely effective supporter build that’s more than capable of annihilating high-level enemies. Unlike the creators above, he opts to add Banshee’s Silence in lieu of Gloom, replacing Equinox’s Rest & Rage.
The idea with this build is to stay in Night-mode perpetually, leveraging Silence in conjunction with Pacify (which is also augmented by Peaceful Provocation). As with GrindHardSquad’s solo build, the effects of Pacify are greatly enhanced here, which allows you to crowd control with ease. With this build, your Metamorphosis Ability can still be used to facilitate shield-gating.
To buff Equinox’s Strength, L1fewater suggests adding the Intensify, Auger Secrets and Transient Fortitude Mods to help get the most “slow” from her Abilities. Add Streamline and Flow Mods for extra Efficiency and Energy (since both your Third and Fourth Abilities will drain), along with the Primed Continuity Mod for extra Duration. The aforementioned Peaceful Provocation adds extra “slow,” and Primed Sure Footed helps prevent knockdowns.
During gameplay, your order of operations is as follows:
- Cast Pacify to slow enemies
- Cast Silence to keep them crowd controlled
- Cast Mend to restore shields with each kill
And you’re all set! Although L1fewater does acknowledge that Equinox can be used to dish out heavy damage, he finds her support capabilities too good to pass up, especially when you’re building for high-level endurance Missions like Kuva Survival or Steel Path Survival.
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With so many Abilities compared to most Warframes (thanks to her unique Day and Night Aspects), there are lots of different ways to build and play your Equinox Prime. Take a cue from the guides above, or experiment on your own and discover a different set of Mods to boost your playstyle.
Got any tips or tricks of your own for Equinox Prime? Join the wider Warframe conversation on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as well as our Official Forums.