How to Get Ready for Techrot Encore
Techrot Encore arrives March 19!
Posted On 2025-03-04 14:00:00
How to Get Ready for Techrot Encore

Techrot Encore is the much-anticipated follow-up to Warframe: 1999 — which means more Protoframes, the Technocyte Coda's world tour, a rockin' new Warframe and so much more!

First off, to access what Techrot Encore has to offer, you must complete the "The Hex" Quest. After that, you can begin hunting down the new Technocyte Coda. That's assuming you don't still have a Kuva Lich or Sister of Parvos, of course! You'll need to dispatch them first to acquire a new Adversary.

Beyond that, if you'd like to meet the new characters and play the new game modes introduced in Techrot Encore you need to increase your Standing with The Hex.

Upon reaching Rank 4 in The Hex Syndicate, you’ll gain access to The Round Table — a new area in the Höllvania Central Mall where you can find the new Protoframes. Here you can interact with Flare and take on the new Stage Defense Mission to earn Temple's component Blueprints. Reach Rank 5 to unlock all that Minerva, Kaya and Velimir have to offer.

Learn more about Techrot Encore and, if you're jumping back into Warframe and haven't gotten to 1999 yet, keep reading to discover how to bullet-jump up to the latest content!

With the release of the demo today, we’re firmly on the road to Warframe: 1999. Get those keys in the ignition, Tenno. It’s time to ride the devil down. Whether you’re a new player, returning veteran, or still current in the Origin System, there are a few things you need to do before you can dive into the hunt for Albrecht Entrati.

Catch Up on Quests

Before you can take your first step in Warframe: 1999, you’ll need to complete a number of Main Story Quests. You’ll need to complete everything up to and including The Lotus Eaters as well as The Duviri Paradox in order to be ready to leap in 1999. If you want to know where you are in the main story, you can find the full list (and all the progress you've made so far if you log in) via our Main Story Quest Guide.


Power Up Your Railjack and Necramech

(Update 04/03/25) With the release of Techrot Encore, we're making adjustments to make the path to 1999 more seamless for players. As of March 19, you will be given a loaner Necramech for use during The New War effectively removing the requirement to progress. While we still strongly recommend reinforcing your Arsenal with a Necramech for difficult content, we didn't want it to be an obstacle to experiencing Warframe: 1999!

As part of the journey to Warframe: 1999, you’ll need to pick up the Railjack and Necramech — key weapons in your long fight across the Origin System. You’ll unlock the Railjack, a personal vessel that will allow you to participate in special ship-to-ship combat Missions, during the Rising Tide Quest.

Access to the Necramech is slightly different. We’ve made the path to building your own Necramech much easier with the release of the Abyss of Dagath and Jade Shadows updates. You’ll unlock the ability to acquire the Necramech once you finish the Heart of Deimos Quest — at which point you can purchase the Blueprints you need to craft a Voidrig from the Necraloid Syndicate.

Voidrig crafting costs have also been adjusted. Now you can build your personal mech using Resources found entirely in the Cambion Drift! Damaged Necramech Components can also be purchased directly from Father in the Necralisk using Entrati Standing. Players who are Mastery Rank 5 or higher can still find them as drops from destroying enemy Necramechs in Isolation Vault Bounties.

Alternatively, you can always purchase a Necramech with Platinum from the in-game Market.

Grow Your Power

Powering up your loadouts has gotten easier with new and improved ways to upgrade your builds. In case you may have missed some of these changes, here's a very brief rundown of just a few things you can expect:

  • Collect and Upgrade Mods to Survive Longer and Deal More Damage
  • Complete Bounties to Rank Up Syndicates
  • Crack Open Void Relics for Prime Weapons and Warframes
  • Hunt Archons for Archon Shards to Power Up Further
  • Seek Out Arcanes in Deep Archimedea to Customize Your Build
  • Enter the Steel Path for Unique Upgrades and Incarnon Weapons

Spoilers Ahead

The 1999 demo has significant spoilers for Warframe and its future! Let everyone enjoy the experience at their own pace and use spoiler tags when you talk about events and characters related to the Warframe: 1999 demo. Thank you for your understanding!