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Celebrate the weekend with rare Resources and free Fireworks!
From now until July 7th at 12 PM EDT, take advantage of rare, 24 hour Alerts and supercharge your Warframes, Sentinels and Weapons!
July 4th at 12 PM EDT to July 5th at 12 PM EDT
- 24 hour Orokin Catalyst Alert
July 5th at 12 PM EDT to July 6th at 12 PM EDT
- 24 hour Forma Alert
July 6th at 12 PM EDT to July 7th at 12 PM EDT
- 24 hour Orokin Reactor Alert
Please note that each Alert can only be played once and will disappear once complete.
Finish your Missions with a bang and light up the Solar System with free Grand Finale Fireworks. Log in to claim yours now.
Thank the Lotus it’s Friday!