Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/smoodie
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SmoodieGaming
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/smoodie
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SmoodieGaming
Welcome to this month’s Creator Spotlight, a monthly blog to highlight and celebrate Warframe Creators! This month we are shining a light on Smoodie, a Warframe streamer and occasional cosplayer!
Tell us a bit about yourself and the Warframe content that you create!
Hello, I'm Smoodie. Since I was young, I have always gravitated towards gaming. I stream by night and work by day! I am currently waitressing and nurse assisting, with potential plans of becoming an electrician and a strong focus on keeping up with my streaming and community as I do. Most of my Warframe content is stream-based on Twitch.
Where does the name Smoodie come from?
My father gave me that name when I was a little girl. I did ask what it meant and he said it didn't have a meaning. Just thought I looked like a Smoodie.
When and how did you first find the Warframe community?
I first found the community through friends in 2015. Unfortunately, I didn't have good internet back then, so I took a break until picking it back up at the end of 2017. At that time, I decided to start streaming. I was going through my Steam library looking for a chill PvE game to play and I dove back in...4000 hours later here I am!
What encouraged you to first begin streaming Warframe, and what have you learned along the way? Which content do you enjoy streaming the most?
When I first started streaming, I wanted to play something I was comfortable with since I'd be playing by myself, and it's free so that's a big plus! Along the way, I have learned how amazing the Warframe community is. Through Warframe I have built a community, made friends, and found a place I can be myself and chill. As much fun as it is playing a variety of games while streaming, Warframe always feels like home.
What is your favorite part of the Warframe community?
Warframe overall has one of the best communities to me. As a woman in the gaming world it was difficult just talking in a game or turning on my cam and starting my first streams. The community here has been helpful, kind, and mature. They have made my transition from having no online presence to streaming almost every day an easier process which I am very thankful for!
In addition to streaming, you have also participated in Warframe cosplay at past TennoCons and on stream! Which has been your favorite look so far, and do you plan on doing more cosplay in the future?
Lotus Prime was my first cosplay, so I feel like that has a special place in my heart. I plan on doing more in the future. I created a Warframe with a name, prologue, abilities, and frame design. Only a few have seen it so far, but I would like to give it my best and cosplay as my own Warframe for TennoCon next year!
What is the process of creating your cosplays, and turning it from an initial idea into a final look?
I can be a bit spontaneous, so I had the idea for Lotus Prime a few weeks before TennoCon, which meant I had to learn fast. I got to be creative, which I love, and soldered successfully for my first time. The same thing happened with cosplaying as Mother from Deimos: I had the idea the morning of the Prime Time raid and went for it, finishing right before my raid time. I have done some other cosplays that were more thought out, such as the Spirit from Dead by Daylight, Legion from Dead by Daylight, and a simple Yennifer cosplay from the Witcher.
You also have a YouTube channel! Is this a platform you hope to explore more in the future?
Yes! I've been wanting to create more YouTube content. Hopefully I can put more content out there soon as I get myself more familiar with editing. On my most recent video, I got my mom to play the revamped tutorial called ‘Awakening’, which was quite entertaining as she does not play any games at all. She did say she had fun!
Outside of content creation, what do you spend your time on?
I spend my time working, helping family, and making art. I occasionally make some emotes and channel art for others. I’m trying to get more into that as I do enjoy it!
What is next in store for you as a Warframe Creator?
As I have spent quite a few hours in the game and have played through most of the content, I feel like spending more time making builds and YouTube content will be my next move. I love how much the game has progressed and changed and hope to see more great things to come from it in the future!