Throughout Rising Tide, you will be directed to complete a series of short, Defense-like Missions. The objective is to place scanning beacons in specially marked locations and defeat enemies that try to approach it. If an enemy gets too close to a beacon, scan progress will halt until that enemy is killed.
You will also need to seek out and destroy Vomvalyst Interference Drones that can halt your scan progress from a distance. Simply follow drones to their marked locations and defeat them and begin scanning again.
You will receive a new Railjack component each time you finish scanning and extract. These components must be repaired by depositing the proper Resources with your Railjack Cephalon back at the Dry Dock (similar to constructing rooms in a Clan Dojo or crafting at your Foundry). Once you repair every piece of the Railjack, and install your Cephalon into the completed ship, your Quest is complete!
Cephalon Cy will have one last job for you after your Railjack is repaired, however. He will direct you to a small Mission on Lua to acquire a power source. Only after you return with this power source and install it on your ship will you be able to take on Railjack Missions.
Carbides are dropped by Grineer Eximus units that appear randomly on the Grineer Shipyard tileset. You will need 15 to repair your Railjack. Seimeni on Ceres is an effective location to acquire them.
Similarly, Cubic Diodes are dropped by Corpus Eximus units that appear randomly on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset. You will need 15 to repair your Railjack. Larzac on Europa is an effective location to acquire them.
If you’re having difficulty with your first flight, feel free to invite a friend or two! Rising Tide is a cooperative questline that can be played with a full Squad.
The next Main Story Quest, The War Within, requires you to complete two Junctions.
Unlocking these Junctions and defeating the Specters inside will permanently unlock both Pluto and Sedna as well as their Mission nodes for play.
The necessary locations include:
Plato on Lua frequently spawns a pair of Sentient enemies near the start of the Mission