The New War

This is the climactic conclusion to the first, nearly decade-long narrative arc of Warframe. It’s a massive, cinematic endeavor that ties together everything you’ve experienced so far (while introducing a few new twists along the way).

If you’re confident you’re ready for the finale to this exciting chapter, jump in and put your skills to your test while you enjoy the action. Best of luck, Tenno!

Necramech & Railjack
Enhance Your Necramech & Railjack

Before you begin, you should take some time to upgrade your Necramech and Railjack if you haven’t already. You can do both at the same time by taking your Railjack out on Missions and using your Necramech aboard enemy ships.

Prepare Your Warframe

Just like in The Second Dream, we also highly recommend you bring your favorite Weapons and Warframe into the fray. Make sure your Mods are upgraded and your Plexus is configured from the holographic terminal at the front of your Orbiter.

Fight in Any Order

Partway through this Quest, you will be able to choose the order in which you fight the Archons. You can always reset your choice by aborting the current mission to reselect another!

Next Quest
The Duviri Paradox