It’s time to bring your Clan’s full strength to bear, Tenno — Operation: Belly of the Beast is live until March 3 at 2 p.m. ET. This is your chance to claim potent rewards like Arcane Energize, Arcane Grace, and Arcane Barrier.
Operation: Belly of the Beast requires you to step into Stalker’s Lair — only those who have completed the Jade Shadows Quest are permitted to do so.
While Operation: Belly of the Beast is live, players will have access to special nodes that allow them to take on Parvos' forces. During these Missions, all Eximus units that spawn will be Jade Light Eximus units. You can help Ordis in his mission to stop Parvos in one of three ways:
1. Operation Variant of Brutus (Uranus)
2. Operation Alerts
3. Stalker Joins the Fray
In traditional Operation style, the new Brutus node on Uranus has its own Operation variant. Play Ascension as you know it, but with all Eximus units spawning in as Jade Light Eximus.
Summoning a Sister of Parvos will also reward players with additional Volatile Motes.
In addition to the Brutus node on Uranus, timed Operation Alerts will appear across the Origin System that also award players with Volatile Motes. These non-Ascension Missions will have their normal Mission gameplay, but will also spawn Jade Light Eximus in place of regular Eximus units. Look for these time-limited Alerts to appear every hour or so as an alternative method to earn Volatile Motes.
Visiting Ordis in the Larunda Relay not only allows you to earn Operation Rewards, but also lets you call on an old foe to assist in your efforts. In speaking to Ordis, selecting the “A Shared Purpose?” option will allow you to join another Squad’s mission as the Stalker! Doing so will reward you with the usual Mission Rewards — at the risk of losing them all should you be downed during combat.
No Operation is complete without its Rewards, and Ordis has collected quite a few offerings to choose from. Ordis can be found in the Larunda Relay in the Navigation Room, where he will trade Volatile Motes for said Rewards.
Belly of the Beast comes with a Community Progress segment to track the total Volatile Motes collected by all Tenno. As the total number of Motes ticks up, progress is made towards a new variant of the Jade Light Ephemera, unlocking it for purchase from Ordis in the Larunda Relay.
Ordis is carrying a vast array of items in exchange for Volatile Motes:
Ordis will also carry additional wares for Tenno who are in a Clan:
Please note: All Arcanes purchased from the “Commit Volatile Motes” and “Clan Contributions” stores will be limited to 42 (two fully upgraded Arcanes) per Arcane type, per player. It’s also worth noting that Ordis will return to the Drifter Camp once Operation: Belly of the Beast concludes on March 3 at 2 p.m. ET.