
Volunteer In-Game Chat Moderators

Our Volunteer Chat Moderator team serves the community by making sure that the Warframe in-game chat channels remain civil. When automated moderation can’t catch the bad, these volunteers jump into action!

Alongside a team of professional, third-party moderators and automated bots like Kickbot, Chat Moderators oversee the in-game chat channels.

Learn more about the Chat Moderators Responsibilities, Code of Conduct, and Action Overview here.

Identifying Chat Moderators

Chat Moderators have the Chat Moderator Accolade (text box icon) in their in-game profile.

How to Become a Chat Moderator

There is no application to become a Chat Moderator. Digital Extremes staff carefully select each Chat Moderator from the Warframe player community. We look for a history of positive contributions to the community and a spotless Warframe account history.

Volunteer Chat Moderator Responsibilities and Code of Conduct

Updated: December 18, 2018

Synopsis of Responsibilities
  • Overseeing chat and using the following Chat Moderation tools for players who violate the EULA, TOS, and/or chat violations listed in this Code of Conduct
    • Message Flushing: Player message(s) are removed from the channel to which they were sent, and a system message is sent to that player. No further action is taken.
    • Kicking: Player message(s) are removed from the channel to which they were sent, and the player is temporarily blocked from the channel.
    • Channel Bans: Player is blocked from a specific channel (access to PM and squad chat remains).
    • User Bans: Player is blocked from the chat server (no PMs, no squad chat).
    • User and IP Address Bans: Player account and IP-address are blocked. This type of Ban is reserved for egregious offences and can only be used with the sanctioning of Digital Extremes staff.
  • Reporting repeat or severe offenders to Digital Extremes Staff.
  • Reporting in-game use of exploits, hacking, data mining, or any other form of exploitative behavior to Digital Extremes Staff.
  • Working with a professional Moderation team to highlight items in need of attention.
Representing Digital Extremes

Chat Moderators are volunteers for Digital Extremes. As such, they are expected to represent and uphold the standards established by the company. That said, any behavior in-game or on the Official Warframe Forums, personal social media accounts, websites, and/or anywhere Digital Extremes and Warframe is concerned should heed to the Code of Conduct. If violated, warnings will be issued, and repeat offenders will be removed from the program.

Chat Moderator Code of Conduct:

Chat Moderators are expected to hold a certain level of professionalism and diplomacy. They are volunteers for Digital Extremes and as such they are expected to represent and uphold the standards established by the company. That said, Chat Moderator behavior in-game, on the Official Warframe Forums, on personal social media, websites, and/or anywhere Digital Extremes and Warframe is concerned should heed to this Chat Moderator Code of Conduct. Chat Moderators are not exempt from and must follow the rules like any other player in Warframe. They are responsible for how they represent themselves and Digital Extremes during any personal interactions in and outside of the game.

The Code of Conduct extends to Chat Moderators across all languages, regions, and platforms (PC, Xbox, PSN, and Nintendo Switch).

If a Chat Moderator violates the Chat Moderator Code of Conduct, they will be warned. If repeated (3 warnings), their position as a Moderator will be revoked. A Chat Moderator can be outright removed from the position (even with no previous warnings) if determined necessary.

A Moderator Will Not:
  • Bully:
    • Disrespect players for their disabilities, handicaps, language barriers, varying play styles, varying skill levels, personal beliefs and/or opinions (if constructive), etc.
    • Disrespect players for their sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other identifying, personal, or innate features
    • Name and shame players
    • Threaten or suggest malice
    • Any behavior or action that attacks players
  • Developer Bash:
    • Insults, threats, and other violent, inappropriate, and non-constructive comments about Digital Extremes and its staff are not tolerated
  • Spam:
    • Purposefully send the same, disruptive message multiple times
    • Repeatedly advertise non-Warframe related topics
  • Share information from private Digital Extremes channels, which includes but is not limited to:
    • Design Council content
    • Information only made available to Volunteer Programs
  • Use inappropriate language, which includes but is not limited to:
    • Excessive swearing
    • Overtly sexual or violent language
    • Any racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic terms
    • Any other demeaning, insulting, or abusive language
  • Share private or sensitive information about a Chat Moderator, Digital Extremes staff member, player, or any other member of the community.
  • Abuse or flaunt their position as a Chat Moderator, which includes but is not limited to:
    • Threatening players (ex: "DE will ban you")
    • Any actions using in-game power for personal gain
    • Adding inappropriate descriptions of their position to personal social media, websites or any other location where they interact with other players (ex: "I am the lord of Warframe's chat" or "I am employed by DE")
  • Use exploits, cheats, hacks
    • This includes sharing Datamined information
  • Buy or sell out-of-game items, which includes but is not limited to:
    • Game Codes
    • Real money trades
    • Etc.
  • Advertise businesses or products that have not been approved by DE
    • Key word here being “advertise” - To drive traffic and profit. Chat Moderators are welcome to discuss non-Warframe related things, as long as they adhere to the Code of Conduct
  • Take any action that violates the End User License Agreement, Terms of Service Agreement, and the listed Actionable Rules
Chat Moderation Action Overview

Chat Moderators are given items to act upon, which can change based on how terms are used and altered within the community. In-game chat controls like Kickbot refer to a list of flagged terms that can be modified at Digital Extreme's sole discretion. Chat Moderators are expected to act with compassion and level-handedness. The list below covers general actionable items only. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and attempts to circumvent such rules will be actioned on accordingly.

Moderators are authorized to act upon the following:

  • Baiting others to trigger Kickbot

    • Tricking players into sending messages, words, or terms that are flagged by Kickbot, resulting in the player being kicked from chat
  • Chat spamming

    • Repeating messages with the same content continuously within a short time
  • Repeated Recruiting in Region chat

    • Remaining in Region chat after being directed to the Recruiting chat
  • Repeated trading in Region chat

    • Remaining in Region chat after being directed to the Trading chat
  • Topics of overtly sexual nature
  • Racism

    • Racial slurs, pejoratives and stereotypes.
    • Using alternate spelling or alluding to racial slurs through masked or reordered characters
  • Bullying

    • Continuously attacking other players
  • Profanity

    • Incessant swearing
    • Using profanity to attack or in reference to another player
  • Sexism and bigotry

    • Attacking players for their sexual orientation or gender identity
    • Using alternate spelling or alluding to slurs based on sexual orientation or gender identity through masked or reordered characters
  • Religious and spiritual intolerance
  • Attempting to trade fake or real items

    • If something does not exist or cannot be traded, it is considered fraud
    • This also covers (but is not limited to) external services, such as personal pictures, levelling services, and content of other games
  • Developer bashing

    • Insults, threats, and other violent, inappropriate, and non-constructive comments about Digital Extremes and its staff are not tolerated
  • Sharing Personal Information

    • This includes, but is not limited to, full birth name, home address, IP address, and phone numbers
  • Spreading Misinformation

    • Misleading other players about Digital Extreme's actions or intentions
    • Repeating attempts to spread false information about a system, player, in-game function or reward after being corrected
Reporting a Chat Moderator or Requesting a Moderation Review

If a player wishes to dispute a case of Chat Moderation, or to report inappropriate behavior, they can do so by creating a ticket at where it will be reviewed by Warframe Staff. Please note that support and other Digital Extremes staff will not discuss any punitive measures taken against Chat Moderators, showing them the same respect as we would any other community member.

Chat Moderation is a process performed by humans, and errors (such as misclicking on a moderation tool, or spelling issues) can happen, and we will take any steps to correct such issues. However, repeated abuse of the reporting function will be treated in the same manner as other kind of system abuse, and may result in punitive actions taken to a reporting player’s account.

Digital Extremes will not respond to, or take action on purposefully false claims, and will not tolerate the unfair hunting / targeting of individuals who are in any of our volunteer programs. As a result, Digital Extremes will treat such attempts as violations of our EULA and ToS, which can result in the temporary or permanent removal of a players access to Warframe.

Digital Extremes may amend the Chat Moderator Code of Conduct at any time in its sole discretion. Amendments and modifications will be effective immediately after publishing them on the Website.