You will need three constituent parts to construct your first Archwing: a Harness, Wings and Systems. Each of which comes from a specially marked Excavation Mission (which you may remember from Vox Solaris). You will need to defend and power Excavators by collecting and delivering Power Cells dropped by special Power Carrier enemies.
Keeping each Excavator powered and safe for 100 seconds will complete its dig and deliver a Reward. Note that during The Archwing Quest you only need to successfully defend one Excavator per Mission before exiting at the extraction point.
You must craft each component of your Odonata Archwing, as well as the Archwing itself, at your Foundry. Once it’s complete, you may take the battle to Councilor Vay Hek in your first Archwing Mission — automatically gaining access to free Archwing Weapons in the process. This will permanently unlock Archwing and Submersible Missions for play on various worlds.
To use your Archwing in open Landscape areas, such as the Plains of Eidolon, you first need an Archwing Launcher Segment for your Orbiter. You can purchase this item directly from the Market for Platinum, or research and purchase its Blueprint from the Tenno Lab inside your Clan Dojo. Once this Segment has been crafted and installed, you can then craft an Archwing Launcher: a Gear Item that can be equipped in the Arsenal (just like a Codex Scanners). Select the item during any Mission in an open-world Landscape to activate the Archwing.
Each Excavator requires a total of four Power Cells to finish harvesting and any player that delivers a Power Cell contributes for the entire Squad.
Delivering a Power Cell to an Extractor will fully restore its shields. This is possible even after an Extractor has reached full power.
Once an Extractor’s power percentage reads “Power: Full” you simply need to wait for the timer to complete.
Carrying a Power Cell will temporarily limit you to using your Secondary Weapon and Melee Weapon. Your Primary Weapon will be unavailable until you either drop the Power Cell or deliver it to an Extractor. Make sure your Secondary and/or Melee Weapons are up to snuff!
You can obtain additional Archwing Mods by playing Archwing Missions. This will help power up your rig for later space-based Missions.
To reach the next Main Story Quest, Natah, you must actually progress through several more sections of the Star Chart to reach the world of Uranus. Since you must complete several of these in sequence, let’s take a moment to list all of the Junctions and their requirements.
The necessary locations include:
you must stay for at least 10 minutes during a single Mission
You can access the Void location via Stickney on Phobos
Simaris is found on the second floor of any Relay, such as the Kronia Relay on Saturn, and marked by an orange icon on your map