Tenno, the Duviri Paradox is officially here, and our Devstream team has taken some time to talk about the update just a few days after its release. For those who have been diving into the Duviri experience, we are actively working to fix the stability issues and bugs that are in the build -- for this stream, we wanted to answer some questions about the Duviri Paradox update itself, and what to expect in the future.
Check out the full stream to learn about Kullervo, Gauss Deluxe, our TennoCon Digital Pack and more -- or, catch up with the overview below.
- Duviri Paradox Celebration drops are live in the Warframe Twitch Directory from now until May 10th at 2pm ET. Learn more about them here.
- Gift of the Lotus Alerts are live for 24 hours after the stream! Log in and grab your Orokin Catalyst and Orokin Reactor before they’re gone!.
- TennoCon 2023 is happening on August 26, 2023 in London, Ontario! Only a few Collectors and Full Day Tickets remain, so get yours now before it’s too late: warframe.com/tennocon
Speaking of TennoCon, look out for the launch of our TennoCon Digital Pack sometime in May! Even if you can’t make it to the physical event this year, you can still join in on the TennoCon festivities with our Digital Pack, featuring the following:
- TennoCon 2023 Syandana
- TennoCon 2023 Rapier Skin and Destreza (+ weapon slot)
- Lotus Floof
- TennoCon 2023 Display and Glyph
- Platinum and One Regal Aya
- Access to the special Baro Ki’Teer Relay
- and more!
Look out for more details in May! If you’ve bought a physical ticket, you’ve already bought the Digital Pack as well, so make sure you don’t double dip.
This stream was focused mostly on Duviri questions from the community, but we do have some content to share that you can expect in the future! Here’s a look at what was revealed in this stream:
For those Tenno requesting a Dax-themed Warframe, you were on the right track -- in an update soon(™), we’re releasing our next Warframe: Kullervo
For those curious, yes those are knives in his torso and yes we are welcoming all Julius Caesar references. We’ll go over his kit in our May Devstream, but here is a look at his original concept:
In addition to Kullervo himself, you can also expect:
Our resident speedster is getting the Deluxe Warframe treatment, courtesy of community artist Takaya Lee! View its Hermes-meets-Gundam style in all its glory below:
Additionally, this will be coming with an Acceltra Deluxe Skin and Syandana:
And some new Kaithe cosmetics that will make your trusty Duviri steed even faster*:
*(any speed increases are vibes-only and are not reflected by stat changes)
This section of the Devstream focused on questions from the community, where our team spoke both about the process of making Duviri, and our plans for the future. We’ll break this down into two sub-categories for clarity, but we recommend watching the stream to hear the discussions in full!
In our to-come “Echoes of Duviri” update and beyond, here is a recap of future iterations you can expect for Duviri:
We intend to add more decrees with future content updates with Duviri – the team even mentioned a goal of adding 10 at a time as a way to keep the gameplay fresh.
Rebecca mentioned wanting to try cursed Decrees, but ultimately the team is excited to explore new avenues with this new system. Since Decrees are transient (i.e. they reset after each Duviri mission), we have even more freedom to go wild!
If you caught our previous Devstream discussions on Duviri, Gardening may be a familiar topic to you. Our intention is to add a Gardening system to Teshin’s Cave (savvy Tenno may have identified a spot already set aside for the planters), but we are scaling back our implementation of this system to be smaller than what was initially discussed.
For our horticultural enthusiasts out there, Gardening may not be as in-depth as you hoped, but we are excited to show you what we have planned in the future!
Rebecca mentioned possible introduction of a story-less version of Duviri simply meant for Side Objectives and resource farming -- if we were to do this, we may use the Calm Spiral shown in the Quest.
There is no guarantee that this will be added, but it was mentioned as something we may explore in the future!
We are aware of the requests for Quest replayability but it is not an immediate priority for the team.
New mission types will eventually come to the Undercroft, as we have time and resources to add them.
The Dormizone having the same functionality (Foundry, Navigation, etc.) as the Orbiter was discussed, but adding this would take a lot of work. Some options were workshopped in the stream, but nothing was conclusive other than: we want to see player stats and feedback before we make any decisions here.
Side Objectives initially were supposed to slightly increase the enemy levels upon completion. This functionality was removed for launch, but we are interested in possibly adding it in the future (possibly limited only to Steel Path)?
We have no intentions of bringing Duviri Side Objectives to other Open Landscapes (Plains of Eidolon, etc.). Our goal was to make Duviri feel distinct from what exists in the Origin System, but should there be a great justification for it, we are open to exploring it in the future.
The Orowyrm and Mounted Dax are both bosses and mini-bosses respectively in Duviri, but we have plans to add another in the future.
If you have ventured into the weirdness of Duviri, you may ask yourself: has this update accomplished what our team set out to do? The answer on stream was a resounding “yes”. There are still bugs and issues and feedback points to iron out, but ultimately Duviri has lived up to our goals since the announcement back in 2019.
With that out of the way, here’s a look at some of the other behind-the-scenes tidbits that were discussed:
- Rebecca initially wanted 10 Moods, but settled on 5 for the sake of everyone’s sanity.
- Steel Path Duviri was balanced for those with Rank 10 Drifter Intrinsics across the board. We’ll be looking at feedback through that lens and are excited for Drifters to experience this game mode at that level.
- Your initial Decree selection may impact what Decrees you are offered later in your mission. Pablo mentioned that choosing one Cold Damage or Freeze Decree will make related Decrees show up with higher frequency.
- Defense missions in the Undercroft are notoriously hard to balance around due to the variety of loadout types available. With that said, we are looking at other ways to address this in the future should it continue to be an issue.
As we were hot off the heels of the release, not much more was revealed of the development itself, other than a huge outpouring of love to our team who worked so hard on this update.
Outside of our amazing team, we also want to credit the incredible acting talent that contributed to Duviri as well:
- Wolf Newton as Dominus Thrax
- Kevin Lim as Bombastine
- Sara Secora as Mathila, Ranged Dax, and other various roles
- David Shaughnessy as Lodun
- Rhiannon Moushall as Sythel
- Clara Pagone as Luscinia (Spoken)
- Francesca Houser as Luscinia (Singing)
- Sean Phillips as Teshin
Bonus shoutout to the Guinea Pig that voiced another important role in the Quest. We asked the team for its name, but it apparently has 3 names and no one can agree on which one to use (credit to [DE]Juice for being far too clever and funny with this joke).