Devstream 91 Overview
Priest Warframe Details, New Weapons, and more!
게시일 2017-04-28 01:08:00
Devstream 91 Overview

Devstream 91 Overview:

Back on their bi-weekly schedule, the Devs brought another stream packed full of reveals – some of them game-related, some of them TennoCon-related.

Catch all the shenanigans (including more in-depth conversation about the topics in this overview) in the full stream here:

If you want to CTL+F your way through the content of this episode – or if you can’t handle a Steve-less stream – read on in our overview below.


  • The Gift of the Lotus, and Design Council created Challenge Alert are live on all Platforms. (but only for 24 hours!)
  • Rally your Clans, PC Tenno! An Operation is coming soon. As always rosters are locked when it begins, so get ready.
  • Captura the Moment and possibly win Platinum with our new contest!
  • Get 55% off Mesa for this weekend’s Community Deal in Darvo’s Fire Sale!
  • Hearts and Arrows Conclave Variant is live on consoles now. Get your Eros Oro Ornament while you can!
  • Pablo and Rebecca will be recording a special episode of The Second Stream Podcast right after this stream. Keep an ear out for it next week!

TennoCon 2017

TennoCon is only 70 (-n) days away! You can join us for a day full of Warframe fun on July 8 in London, Ontario, Canada. Collector’s Tickets are almost sold-out, so be sure to get yours before they’re gone to get the following exclusive swag:

While every Tenno who makes it to the event is special in our hearts, there will be some familiar faces – or voices – in the crowd! We’re honoured to be joined by the following Warframe Partners: AGGP, Brozime, Bwana, DanieltheDemon, DKdiamantes, frozenballz, H3dsh0t, Hydroxate, Mogamu, Shul, Wgrates, and Xenogelion and MDRLOz of FrameFace.

Lucas Schuneman, who lent his dulcet tones to Tyl Regor and Nef Anyo, will also be in attendance!

Baro Ki’Teer will be bringing his entire inventory to the Exclusive TennoCon Relay, accessible to those with a TennoCon Digital Pack!

Buy tickets and get full details about the panels, workshops, activities (including a one-of-a-kind Escape Room), and more here!


The 33rd Warframe has a name: Harrow! If you missed his reveal in Devstream 90, here’s what he looks like:

Like with Octavia, his release with come with a web comic that ties into his Quest. Below is one of the characters from this comic: a Tenno before they become an Operator.

If you missed the What Remains comic, you can read it here.

Trade Chat Filter

Some changes are coming to Trade Chat to help you better find what you’re looking to buy! You will be able to Include and Exclude terms to make sure you only see what you’re interested in.

There is currently no ETA on when this will roll out.

Ambulas Clan Operation

The Clan Operation that is (hopefully) coming next week to PC will being the Ambulas rework, as well as a new way to redeem Clan Event rewards!

Instead of just earning points, players will also earn Animo Nav Beacons that will be used to purchase specific rewards from Ergo Glast. You will earn more Beacons on higher difficulty missions, if you think you can handle it.

If you want a detailed look at the offerings (stats aren’t final), we have a handy Twitch Clip for you here:

A Vandal Weapon can also be acquired upon completing the last leg of the Event. It is not in Ergo Glast’s Offerings!

Focus System

“It’s due for a giant smash” – [DE]Scott, 2017

There is currently some things in the works that we’re hoping to release the new Focus System with when it drops. Our goal is to ensure that it supports what currently exists for Focus (with The Second Dream and The War Within) and the content to come.

Sorry we can’t say more, details will be revealed at TennoLive, 70 days from now!

More customization for Focus and Operators will be coming with this new system as well.

For the full cryptic conversation, you can watch here.

Earth Remaster

We’ve shown the coming Earth Remaster plenty of times, but here’s what it looks like when Lua is out! This will be released with an Event but not the Ambulas one slated for next week.

With this remaster, we’re adding some new (aggressive wildlife) to help you really feel at home on Earth. The bird from Devstream 20 will finally make its debut in-game soon!

Corpus Pump-Action Shotgun

Fan Weapon

We revealed a new Fan Weapon during our Pax East stream! If you need a reminder of what it looks like, click here. A stance is being made for it, which will be coming with custom finishers and charge attacks as well!

Front View:

Back View:

Kingpin System

The Kingpin Clan System is still being worked on. We’re looking at ways to add custom and interesting new enemies. Currently, we’re prototyping ways to use existing assets and mix them together to get a variety of enemies, to help them stand-out in missions!

Other Tidbits

· Channelling – Melee 2.1/5, an update that touches on underused combos, charge attacks, and channelling. Planning on looking at some simplification and touching on underused bits.

· Here is a tentative list of weapons that will be implemented with multi-wielding – some of these might be tweaked: Kestrel, Cerata, Orvius, Halikar, Glaive Prime, Lato (Prime/Vandal), AkLato, (Ak/Dex) Furis, Lex (Prime), AkLex, Sicarus.

· Machete Stance from Devstream 90 might ship next week! It might be added as a drop with the Ambulas Event.

· We’re fairly happy with Oberon’s tweaks for now. There’s a lot of different Community opinions on what to do from here, so we will take some time to let this rework sit and check in on him in a while.

· Chroma Deluxe and TennoGen will be coming to consoles in May.

· Shield-gating is coming to stop players getting one-shotted at in high-level content.

· Equinox Alt Helmet is still coming!

· Customization of separate armour pieces might be in the works.

· Archwing rewards may be tweaked in a larger Archwing system revisit.

The Remote Observer – Vol 3.5

We’re back with another volume of The Remote Observer, our weekly highlight reel of what changed in-game!

If you were too busy testing Oberon’s tweaks, here’s what you might have missed on PC:

Zenith Buffs

· Primary fire damage is now 30 and Primary Status Chance is 30%.

· Secondary fire damage is now 150 and its critical chance is now 35%.


· Items from 'hacked' drop tables now drop immediately after the Bursa is hacked.

· Grineer Shield Dargyns now only spawn in level 20+ missions.

· Fixed Bursas being unhackable after hacker dies mid-hack.

· Fixed a The War Within prog stop that was caused by missing transmissions.

· Fixed a bar in the Grineer fans becoming unbreakable if the Client only damaged the fan blade.


Our team is working on a build to out this month (with the aforementioned Chroma Deluxe Skin and TennoGen), but a few patches did go out this week with the following fixes:

· Fixed a The War Within prog stop that was caused by missing transmissions.

· Removed Lua Spy from the Sortie rotation due to performance issues.

· Fixed Chat box overlapping the Linked Items list. Chat box will now stay closed and not overlap.

· Fixed proc icons for Sentients immunities or enemies debuffs appearing as random icons.