6th Anniversary on Xbox
Earn Jade Customizations in limited-time Alerts!
Posted On 2020-09-17 10:06:00
6th Anniversary on Xbox

Tenno have been looting, wallrunning, shooting and sliding on Xbox One for 6 years!

To mark the occasion, we’re running a series of limited-time Alerts that you can complete to earn exclusive Jade Customizations such as Weapon Skins, Noggles and more! Available from September 17 at 2 p.m. ET to October 9 2 p.m. ET.

To begin your Anniversary looting, log in on Xbox One and receive a Paracesis Jade Skin, Jade Follox Sugatra and 3 Day Resource Booster!

Complete these five Anniversary Alerts to earn the whole set of new Jade Customizations.

Alert #1: Jade Excalibur Noggle + 10,000 Credits
Alert #2: Jade Rhino Noggle + 10,000 Credits
Alert #3: Jade Dex Furis Skin + 10,000 Credits
Alert #4: Jade Dex Dakra Skin + 10,000 Credits
Alert #5: Jade Brocca Syandana + 10,000 Credits

In the Market, you can also find the Jade Color Picker and Jade Excalibur Glyph for just one Credit!

Log in and start earning your Customizations today!