Since the launch of our Conclave overhaul we've received an incredible amount of feedback that's helped fine tune our new PvP mechanics. From weapon balance to Warframe powers, these past few weeks have seen tweaks designed to make Conclave a competitively fair experience, but mechanics aren't the only thing Teshin's followers have to look forward to.
One of the most frequent requests has been to expand the size of our future Conclave maps, giving Tenno a bit more room to maneuver when running with the Cephalon. Our next map, The Lost Halls, is exactly that. Dark corridors littered with broken cover, the Derelict tileset was an ideal choice for creating a map that is both large but still easy to navigate.
It was also our chance to experiment with some aspects of the gameplay such as team differentiation. Our current rotation of maps all see a glaring color difference between one team to another, but here we've made some obvious thematic changes to distinguish between both teams. Moving from start to the enemy base should be a very obvious transition as the environment becomes more (or less) ruined with progression -- although a few key-placed flags help remind the lost.
These visual changes also mean the map is not symmetrical. It's unlike any other map we've done so far and we're excited to see how the Conclave community learns the Lost Hall's unique layout.
We hope you've enjoyed this brief look at our upcoming Conclave map -- live with Update 16.4. Both PS4 and Xbox One will see this new Conclave map in the next Update. Player feedback is absolutely critical to our continued development of Warframe, and we hope our latest addition to Conclave gives Tenno all the space they need to break a leg…or two.