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It’s time to refresh and expand our Fan Art section of the Codex!
We’re presenting you with a theme- a moment. You can interpret this in any artistic medium you wish. Photograph, Garry’s Mod, art, clay, etc!
Theme: A Tenno Awoken- You’ve finally been called to the fight. Are you prepared? Have you awoken in a free-fall state, or do you open your eyes to the burning sun surrounded by forests? Are you face-to-face with an enemy or among your fellow comrades? You decide!
The top 5 submissions, chosen by DE based on creativity and awesomeness, will be put into the Codex!
1st place- 1000 Platinum
2nd place- 750 Platinum
3rd place- 500 Platinum
4th place- 250 Platinum
5th place- 100 Platinum
Click here for full rules and info on how to enter!