Community Art Pack II
‘Community Art Pack II’ launches with Koumei & the Five Fates!
Posted On 2024-09-30 12:00:00
Community Art Pack II

By [DE]Sam - Sam Chipera

With the release of Koumei & The Five Fates, we are excited to release our second Community Art Pack! We had a chance to talk to the artists behind these upcoming Glyphs, so let’s take a read!

Leo Doodling (he/him)

Introducing: leo.doodling

Hey, Leo! Tell us a little bit about yourself and your art!

“Hi, I'm Leo, and I use a tablet to draw vector art. Vector artwork is typically known for the sharp lines and geometric shapes that make up the piece.”

“I grew up with comic books and comics, and that influenced a lot of how I draw today. I usually like to keep things easy and fun in my doodling art.”

You can never go wrong with some doodling! If I may ask, what element in Caliban spoke to you the most, and why?

“Well, two parts stood out to me. The first is the very asymmetrical design; his silhouette stands out immediately with that big vertical shoulder and pointed leg.”

“The other part is the bifurcated nature of the torso, with glowing orbs coming together just at the head. These are just so unique to him.”

With the character’s/Warframe’s style and lore in mind, how did you lean into their fantasy through your art style?

“I wanted the glow of the vertical cavity of his torso to stand out, so I gave it sharp blue contrasting grid lines. The blue colors themselves are complemented by his helm, which all are in a bit of contrast to the soft colors of his body.

And, of course, what about his backdrop?

“The sentient tileset inspired the background with their flowing red lines and angular metal construction to hint at his lore.”

Amazing work! Plus, with his rework, this Glyph will be perfectly situated!

Zarionis (she/her)

Introducing: Zarionis

Hello, Zarionis! I’m keen to hear how you got started with Warframe art!

“I actually started drawing Warframe art very soon after I learned to use my first drawing tablet, which was roughly at the end of 2017. I’ve been playing Warframe for a year prior to this.”

What captivated me about the game at first, of course, was the visual design of the Warframes. My first Warframe art piece got a lot of positive feedback, motivating me to keep drawing and getting better.”

With Dagath providing a natural contrast to your usual style, I was curious to hear how your style translated into bringing her essence to the forefront.

“While my art tends to be more vibrant and saturated, I had to figure out a way of using that in the context of a Warframe with a tragic backstory.”

“I ended up using more saturated colours to depict her powers and to make her stand out more against the darker background; the contrast between the brighter red and green that I used even set a tone for an unnerving atmosphere.”

Being both a sci-fi and fantasy fan, did you incorporate any fantasy-esque elements into your Dagath piece?

“As she has many similarities with the legend of the Dullahan, I definitely wanted to have her Kaithe included in some way; otherwise, I think the piece would have felt incomplete. I portrayed her as she’s summoning Rakhali, in her bright green energy glow.”

Dagath is one of my favorites, so we Dagath enjoyers are guaranteed to be excited to equip your Glyph!

Ibumuc (they/them)

Introducing: Ibumuc

Hi Ibumuc! Can you give us a quick snippet about yourself and your art and what your favorite thing to create is?

“I'm a digital artist heavily influenced by a variety of manga, anime and games, and I've been enjoying Warframe since the day it entered open beta! I think my strength lies in lineart, but I love experimenting with different styles.”

“My favorite thing would probably be the silly memes/crossovers I come up with sometimes. I'm often surprised and glad that others also find them funny.”

Garuda feels like a big departure from silly memes and crossovers! With such distinct lines and brush strokes, how did you find that translated into Garuda from a working perspective?

“I felt her theme of blood would be best conveyed through a painting, and the visceral feel would be best achieved through distinct brush strokes. Blood flows down, wrapping around the forms, and collects at the bottom due to gravity, and I used a simpler brush to communicate these subtle details.”

Can you describe your creative process and personal inspirations for making your Glyph?

“Starting off, I already had a particular pose in mind for the glyph (the "yandere pose" as it's called). I felt it really highlights her obsession with blood in an endearing way. Garuda has "eyes" in just the right spots peeking through her fingers, and this pose wouldn't have worked nearly as well for almost any other Warframe.

Painting isn't my strong suit, but I'm glad I pushed myself outside my comfort zone for this piece.”

Well, I’d personally say the piece came together magically, especially if you say painting isn’t your strong suit - Garuda enjoyers rejoice (me)!

Endquar (he/him)

Introducing: Endquar

Next up is Endquar with Harrow! So we can get a feel for your art, what’s your favorite thing to create?

“The Warframes themselves are the most fun for me to draw! Each has their own fun and very unique designs that never get old! It's fun to go through the process of filtering their very detailed and intricate designs with my style to create something different from everyone else.”

Roger that! So, to follow up, what element of Harrow in his unique design spoke out to you in your Glyph?

“The more eerie aspect of Harrow and the religious symbolism he possesses. Those sorts of things always grabbed my interest. Things like Evangelion, Ultrakill, FAITH, the Unholy Trinity and more are some of my favorite media to consume, so naturally, I was drawn to him, and he quickly became a favorite frame of mine.”

And, of course, you have many Excalibur Umbra pieces under your belt. How did any learnings from your work with him translate towards Harrow?

“I like to think that maybe with my focus being on Umbra for about as long as I have been drawing Warframe art (and still sort of is), it helped get me to glean some knowledge of how to bring out those grimmer moments with another character of similar motif.”

It worked out fantastically, too - I can feel the potent eeriness of it. Fantastic work!

Veroz (he/him)

Introducing: Veroz

Can you give us a quick snippet of who you are and how you’d describe yourself and your art?

“Hello! I'm Veroz, a self-taught freelance illustrator who has been making Warframe fan art since 2018. I really love painting Warframes. Every Warframe has unique challenges, and figuring out their shapes and forms is really fun.”

How did you first approach making Warframe art?

“I started playing the game back in 2013, but I started drawing Warframes in 2018. I was really nervous at first because Warframes have complex designs and delicate details. But I love the game so much that I pushed myself to give it a try. I couldn't stop painting Warframes ever since, haha.”

You’ve got experience drawing Qorvex - were there any ideas or concepts you wanted to implement with this Glyph that you hadn’t tried previously?

“I've always seen Qorvex as a radioactive immovable concrete behemoth. I chose to paint Qorvex in a low-angle shot using angular shapes to show his dominant, larger than life presence. I hope I managed to convey it!”

Can you describe your creative process and personal inspirations for making your Glyph? What does the process look like?

“My process began with sketching a few pose ideas. Then I continued with grayscale painting by blocking in the larger shapes and proceeding with adding smaller details. Lastly I added in the colours and applied highlights to accentuate the character’s form.”

The Concrete Frame is living large with your piece!

Thanks to all our artists for helping bring Community Art Pack II to life. You can grab these amazing glyphs yourself in the in-game market with the launch of Koumei & the Five Fates on October 2nd.