Devstream 184 Overview
Rhino Heirloom, Lavos Prime, & Techrot Encore!
Posted On 2025-01-31 20:48:00
Devstream 184 Overview

We’re kicking off 2025 with a look at our next major update: Techrot Encore! Learn all about this 1999-themed update slated for March, and catch up on what’s coming in February in the first Devstream of the year.

For all of the details, be sure to watch the full episode, or catch the highlights below.


  • Don’t miss the usual Gift of the Lotus Alerts available for 24 hours after the stream! Log on to grab your Riven Cipher and Rifle Riven.
  • Take a look at your and the community’s 2024 stats with the new Year in Review:
  • New Warframe Soundtracks are available for streaming on your favourite platforms — jam to the sounds of Whispers in the Walls and bonus 1999 tracks!
  • Enter to win a 1999-themed Xbox Controller before February 3rd. Learn more here.
  • Lunar New Year celebrations are happening until March 3 at 2 p.m. ET!
  • Official Warframe Wiki on Weird Gloop

    We’re excited to announce that the official Warframe Wiki has a new home over at in collaboration with Weirdgloop. The English version has been fully ported, and we’ll be working on supporting other languages in the future!

    Of course we have nothing but appreciation for the 11 year old Wiki that a lot of us called home, to the Mods and volunteers, everyone involved in maintaining the site. We’re all together making the move over to Weird Gloop where we’ll be updating as we go. Please let us know what you think!

    TennoCon 2025 Tickets on Sale

    TennoCon 2025 Ticket Date

    Save the Date: TennoCon tickets are going on sale February 7th at 2pm ET! Learn more on the Official Eventbrite Page. Digital Packs will become available at a later date!

    TennoCon 2025 Ticket Date

    This year we’re supporting Make A Wish for our TennoCon Charity. You might recall that we worked with them last year to make a wish come true with James Conlin — the near-future Ollie’s Crash Course arcade game menace.

    Something new and very very exciting for TennoCon 2025 is what we have in store for you on July 18th. Each year you know we strive to make the event the biggest and best it’s ever been, and this year is our 10th TennoCon. So we wanted to go really big, so big that we rented the largest ARENA in London at the Canada Life Place for the first ever TennoConcert! We’ll also be featuring our Cosplay Contest on this stage on the same night!

    What’s Coming in February 2025

    February 2025

    February 6th - Rhino Heirloom & Nightwave

    Rhino Heirloom

    Rhino’s receiving his Heirloom skin on February 6th. Here’s a look at all of his glory in-game.

    Iron Skin Overrides:

    Rhino Heirloom, like many skins before it, comes with its own Iron Skin VFX. We’re adding the ability to equip various Iron Skin VFX from other Rhino skins that you own via new Iron Skin Override Auxiliary attachments.

    For those who would prefer to not have the Iron Skin VFX apply to their Rhino, we’ve also added an "Invisible Iron Skin Override” that will be available to all Rhino players.

    Heirloom Prex and Glyph
    Rhino is also coming with a custom Prex Card and Glyph!

    For more information on what’s available in the various Rhino Heirloom offerings, check out our official news post.

    Nora’s Mix Vol. 8

    A 1999-themed Nightwave series is launching next week. Here’s a preview of some of the rewards you can earn.

    For a full list of items and any changes to Nightwave, check out our official forum post.

    Operation: Belly of the Beast returns!

    We’re heading back into the belly of the beast. Look forward to a re-run of this Operation during February, bringing back some fan-favourite cosmetics. This Operation is unchanged from its original run, other than a few bug fixes we managed to slip in.

    February 12 - Lavos Prime

    Lavos Prime is arriving on February 12, 2025! Our latest Prime is coming with the following items:

    • Cedo Prime

    • Dual Zoren Prime

    • Vitam Prime Syandana

    • Nimandi Prime Armor Set

    Those who remember Coptering may recognize a similar mechanic with Dual Zoren Prime’s unique trait: Gain a burst of speed on Melee Slide attack while airborne. (note: the copy shown in the actual Devstream was incorrect to the mechanic — this only applies while airborne!)

    Techrot Encore - Coming March 2025

    Techrot Encore

    We have much planned for our 1999 “echoes” update, officially named Techrot Encore. Here’s a look at what you can expect in March!

    • Technocyte Coda - new Adversaries, featuring 13+ Coda Weapons, cosmetics, and more!

    • Scaldra Weapons

    • New Cosmetics: Gyre Deluxe, New Drifter/Operator Hair, New Scaldra Drifter/Operator Suits, and 1999 Decorations

    • KIM System Improvements

    • Defense Wave Reduction

    • Omni Forma (Aura forma reworked)

    • Pseudo Exalted Rework

    • and more to be revealed in Devstream 185!

    Not listed in the image above, we can confirm that 4 new Protoframes are coming. But you’ll have to wait for Devstream 185 to learn more about them!

    Technocyte Coda - New Adversaries

    On-lyne’s tour is just around the corner. Face off against Technocyte Coda with a 1999-twist to the Adversary System.

    Most of this new system’s gameplay takes place in Höllvania, but once you’re ready to face the music, the final fight will take you to the Earth Proxima in Railjack.

    Hunting Down the Boyband

    Create your own Technocyte Coda by hacking into a Höllvania console using a special chip. You can obtain this chip by killing Techrot enemies in any 1999 mission — once you pick it up, a waypoint will appear on the nearest console. Hack the console to generate your own infested Boyband member (succeeding/failing does not matter).

    Or weaken your Technocyte Coda, you’ll need new Parazon mods that also drop in Höllvania:

    • Anti Virus Mods — these are the 1999 equivalent of Requiem Mods for your Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos. Pick the right Mods to increase your Technocyte Coda’s Virality meter (instead of finding the correct Mod combination, like with Liches/Sisters).

    • Virality Mods — these increase the potency of your Anti Virus Mods, and are an optional part of this system

    Once you have generated your Adversary, you can come across members of the Technocyte Coda in Höllvania missions. Fight them in Duets where other band members come to offer the lead Coda support. Once you’ve weakened the Coda sufficiency, you can stab them with your Parazon to increase their Virality (depending on the Mods you have equipped).

    At 100% Virality, your Technocyte Coda will flee to the Earth Proxima in Railjack for your final showdown!


    Take on the Technocyte Coda to earn new Coda weapons, Ephemeras, and more.

    Coda Weapons
    Instead of each Technocyte Coda coming with their own weapon, these Adversaries will now drop tokens that can be exchanged for weapons of your choice via Eleanor in the Höllvania Central Mall. You’ll receive enough tokens per Vanquish to guarantee you can purchase a weapon — and maybe a little more to save for later, depending on your luck!

    Eleanor will offer the following items in exchange for Tokens — they will be split in two batches, rotating every 4 days:

    • Coda Hema

    • Coda Sporothrix

    • Coda Catabolyst

    • Coda Pox

    • Coda Tysis

    • Dual Coda Nicardia - killing enemies with this weapon will spread spores to nearby foes, slowing them!

    • Coda Caustacyst

    • Coda Hirudo

    • Coda Mire

    • Coda Pathocyst

    • Coda Motovore - the wheel on this weapon will change appearance based on your IPS element mods!

    And a currently unnamed Shotgun:

    Technocyte Shotgun

    Those familiar with Ergo Glast’s wares may have concerns about this rotation schedule for weapons in regards to the elements available. To address this feedback, we’re adding a new Elemental Vice item. Once your Coda (or Kuva/Tenet)weapon reaches Rank 40, you’ll be able to use the Elemental Vice to swap its innate element freely.

    Elemental Vices will be available for purchase from Eleanor, from the Market, and have a chance to drop from the Technocyte Coda themselves.

    Cosmetic Rewards
    In addition to Weapons, each Coda will also come with a guaranteed “Cosmetic” item, including but not limited to:

    • Floofs

    • Ephemeras

    • Emotes
    • Here’s a look at the Floofs that are available:

      On-lyne Floofs

      Technocyte Floofs

      Here’s a look at the Emotes!

      Ephemeras were not ready to preview in this Devstream. Similar to how cosmetic items work on Liches/Sisters, you will earn the Cosmetic regardless if you Vanquish or Convert your Technocyte Coda.

      New Scaldra Weapons

      Four new Scaldra weapons are releasing with Techrot Encore, as seen in this clip.

      Four new Scaldra weapons are releasing with Techrot Encore, as seen in the clip above:

      • Scaldra Pistol

      • Scaldra Goo Sicle

      • Scaldra Goo Rifle

      • Scaldra Grenade Launcher (concept below)

      Scaldra Grenade Launcher

      Note: Thermian RPG is not currently planned to release as a player weapon but maybe you can convince Reb otherwise.

      Quality of Life Changes

      Quality of Life

      3 Wave Defense Missions

      Defense missions across Warframe are having their wave count reduced from 5 to 3 per rotation. We will be bringing the design of Duviri Defense (found in The Circuit) to the Origin System. Many details and balancing concerns are being considered for this change, so while it may seem simple on paper, the team is working hard to ensure we have all edge-cases handled!

      Pseudo Exalted Rework

      Pseudo Exalted weapons, like Khora’s Whipclaw, are getting a rework! We’re allowing them to be moddable like any other Exalted weapon, and are applying some quality of life changes to Exalted weapons alongside these changes.

      Learn more about this rework in our February Devstream!

      Aura Forma Rebrand

      Aura Forma is no longer going to be limited to the Aura Slot — in Techrot Encore, you’ll be able to place a universal polarity on any Mod Slot using the rebranded Omni Forma. The Platinum and crafting cost are remaining the same as the original Aura Forma, but we’ll be adding these to another area as well.

      To be clear, all existing Aura Forma will be converted to Omni Forma, so it may be time to farm and craft them.

      Note: Umbra Polarities will be excluded from the Universal Polarity by design.

      Duplicate Mod Selection

      We’re improving the way you manage your Duplicate Mods to allow players to more confidently sell off extras from their collection.

      This new window will allow you to mass-select Mods based on Rarity, determine how many unranked copies you want to keep, and even skip specific Mods — and more!

      KIM Quality of Life

      TennoCon 2025 Ticket Date

      The Kinematik Instant Messenger is getting a software update! Get your floppy disks ready.

      February Improvements
      Many players wish to keep chatting with their Protoframes once they’ve reached Best Friend or Loved rank, so KIM will now show you unused Close messages to keep the conversation flowing.

      We’ll also allow you to back out of the Reset screen once the 1999 Calendar reaches the new year, so you don’t have to make that decision right away.

      March Improvements
      Our March update will bring the ability to play all conversations after resetting, if you want to fully explore your Protoframe’s stories without worrying about Chemistry gain.

      We’re also adding the “speed up” option for Protoframe replies, since they don’t all type at 1000 words per minute like Amir.

      Finally, the Protoframes you date will lounge in different areas around your Backroom to make it feel more lived in!

      Long-term Improvements
      We aim to add more conversations with your romantic partners in the future!

      Other QOL Changes

      • We’re increasing Riven Capacity by 30!

      • Rhino’s Crafting timer is being reduced to 24 hours, since he’s the first Warframe you encounter

      • We’re removing Invisibility overrides from Auxiliary options to an accessibility setting. This allows your setting to apply to numerous sources of Invisibility — and frees up your Auxiliary slot for bunny ears, of course!

      • Base Mod Capacity is being increased from 0 to 15 for all players — so those under MR 15 should have increased Mod capacity available to them for unranked equipment.

      • Random Squads will now be disbanded after missions, and only pre-made squads will be kept after mission completion

      New Cosmetics

      Gyre Deluxe

      Gyre is getting a Deluxe Skin fit for any Entrati gathering. Here’s a look at her electrifying concept art:

      KIM Improvements

      The Alternox is also getting the deluxe treatment to match!

      Alternox Deluxe

      Drifter / Operator Hair

      Looks like a few beloved characters finally shared the name of their stylists — meaning you can copy their hairstyles! With Techrot Encore, your Drifters/Operators have access to the luscious locks of the following characters:

      • Eleanor

      • Aoi

      • Amir

      • Lettie

      • Quincy

      • Arthur

      • Loid

      • Major Rusalka

      New Drifter / Operator Suits

      The Scaldra may be our enemies, but they look good doing it. So, we’re adding some Scaldra-themed cosmetics for your Operator and Drifter!

      Suit 1

      Suit 2:

      Scaldra Coat

      New Decorations

      The (Evil) Chair
      Add some lumbar support to your Backroom or Orbiter, but be ready for the potential consequences.

      New Dojo Decorations
      Bring Höllvania into your Clan Dojo with a series of 1999-themed decorations!

      New Warframe — Temple

      We’re saving most of Temple’s info for Devstream 185, but we can confirm that guitar-themed Warframe is coming! Here’s a look at their Guitar:

      Guitars aren’t all about looks, so we’re thrilled to announce we’re working with Periphery to add some music to match Temple!

      1999 Bloopers

      Please don't tell PETA

      My Strange Addiction (Amir Version)

      1999 Blooper (Spoilers)