How do you decorate your Dojo, Tenno? Do you go for a chic, modern aesthetic? Or are the curved shapes and military stylings of the Grineer more your speed? Maybe you’ve acquired a taste for credits and your Dojo resembles a Corpus boardroom?
However you decorate, your flair for interior design could win you and your Clanmates Platinum, not to mention bragging rights! This contest is all about picking a theme and customizing a room in your Dojo to match. You can decorate by yourself or Squad up with Clan members. Submit video or images of your themed room(s) in this thread for judging!
You must include the following information with your submission:
There will be five winners per Clan tier per platform (15 first place winners in total).
1st place – Exclusive Gold contest trophy for your dojo + 5000 Platinum added to your Clan Vault + Your Dojo featured on the Star Chart!
2nd place – Exclusive Silver contest trophy for your dojo + 4000 Platinum added to your Clan Vault!
3rd place – Exclusive Bronze contest trophy for your dojo + 3000 Platinum added to your Clan Vault!
Winners will be selected based on creativity and how well the design represents your chosen theme!
This contest starts now until October 18 @ 1:00PM ET!