Fall Platinum Sale
Get up to 40% off Platinum on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch
Posted On 2020-09-08 10:09:00
Fall Platinum Sale

The leaves are falling, the temperatures are dropping, and the horrifying Infested are still giving us nightmares! Bolster your Arsenal with up to 40% off Platinum Packs from September 8 to September 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, and prepare yourself to face the deadliest Infestation ever on the Cambion Drift.

The discounts on Platinum Packs are as follows:

170 Platinum Pack - 20% off

370 Platinum Pack - 25% off

1000 Platinum Pack - 30% off

2100 Platinum Pack - 35% off

3210 Platinum Pack - 40% off

*Please note: Discount percentages vary on PlayStation according to region.

Use Platinum to add the latest Warframe, Xaku, to your Arsenal, buff your builds with Mod Packs or customize gear with Forma, Orokin Reactors and much more!

Save on Platinum before September 14!