Excalibur can be selected at the start of the tutorial quest, Awakening, when you first venture into the Origin System. Other starter options include Mag and Volt.
Even though you can only pick one starter Warframe in Awakening, you can still craft all three Warframes via your Foundry by obtaining blueprints from specific tasks (usually Missions). Excalibur's Blueprints can be earned by defeating Lieutenant Lech Kril — an Assassination Target found via the War node on Mars.
To reach Lech Kril, you first need to reach Mars. You can do so by finishing the following steps:
For more information on how to finish these quests and unlock Junctions, see our Warframe Main Story Quest guide.
You will need to defeat Lieutenant Lech Kril multiple times to earn all of the necessary Blueprints for Excalibur. Lech Kril is guaranteed to drop an Excalibur component blueprint every time you defeat him. We've listed the drop chances below, but you can check the full drop chances for these and other items in our Drop Table.
Face off via the War mission on Mars to earn the following blueprints:
To obtain the Main Blueprint for Excalibur, simply purchase it via the Market for Credits!
You can craft all of these items from the Foundry aboard your Orbiter. Each Warframe component (i.e. the Neuroptics, Chassis, and Systems) requires 12 real-world hours to craft. Whereas Excalibur himself requires 72 real-world hours to craft once all three components are ready in your inventory.
You can also purchase Excalibur (and all other base Warframes) directly from the Market with Platinum.
Excalibur Prime was a Founders Pack exclusive for early Warframe supporters. It is not available for purchase or crafting in-game.