The Duviri Paradox is a new beginning for all players in Warframe, whether you’ve been on your Tenno journey across the Star Chart for over a decade, or just starting your adventure!
This brief primer will tell you everything you need to know to dive into everything Duviri has to offer on day one. Read on and we’ll see you in Duviri to escape the Paradox, Tenno!
If you’re new, after you log in for the first time you’ll be presented with a choice between two paths: Warframe Path or Paradox Path.
The Paradox Path is the newest expansion to Warframe, letting you experience The Duviri Paradox right away, without needing to complete any prerequisites. This way you can play the newest content in Warframe and then approach the rest of the game at your own pace!
Warframe Path is the traditional path that you would have experienced before the launch of The Duviri Paradox. It follows the cinematic Quest line starting with Awakening into Vor’s Prize, after which you will be able to play Duviri or jump right into the Star Chart to defend the Origin System.
In Duviri, Time does not flow in a straight line, instead looping in on itself to create a never ending cycle of life, death and rebirth. These cycles are known as Spirals in Duviri and they will form the foundation of your adventures. Each Spiral will have a mood determined by Dominus Thrax’s outlook for that Spiral. These moods can change everything from the stories and objectives you’ll encounter to the damage type that Enemies can inflict!
During a Spiral you can complete objectives and side activities to collect Decrees, which upgrade your power for that Spiral and enhance your play style. Different Decrees have different effects ranging anywhere from more damage to increased mobility to unique bonuses that grant extra utility in or out of combat! Choosing the right Decrees for that Spiral could mean the difference between life and death so choose wisely, Tenno!
You’ll also be able to earn and select Intrinsics for the Drifter in Teshin’s Cave that persist between Spirals. This lets you steadily grow your power across repeated adventures in Duviri!
After you’ve completed the Duviri Paradox Quest, you’ll have the opportunity to return to Duviri in one of three ways. Each choice has a unique experience with its own gameplay and rewards! No matter which way you choose to play, your journey in Duviri will begin in Teshin’s Cave, where you can pick your Loadout, customize Drifter Intrinsics, customize your Kaithe and more!
The Lone Story is a streamlined version of Duviri with only the Spiral story for Tenno looking to face the Orowyrm as quickly as possible.
Duviri as it is meant to be played – the Open World experience with a story that reflects the current Spiral, along with side activities like Maw Feeding, Kaithe racing, and open exploration. Take full advantage of everything Duviri has to offer with this game mode, Tenno.
The Circuit revolves around endless gameplay Objectives set in The Undercroft, amongst the very roots of Duviri. Pick your difficulty and reward track, complete rounds to fill out the track and claim rewards as you complete Objectives! Rewards will rotate weekly to make each delve into the Undercroft unique.
With that, you should be all set to dive into The Duviri Paradox and make the most of each and every adventure! Best of luck surviving the Spirals and moods of the dangerous child king, Dominus Thrax, Tenno. You’ll need it if you ever hope to escape the Paradox once and for all!