Operator? Ordis wonders... do you know any good jokes?
This contest is for all you jokesters and punsters! Ordis is looking for some new puns and witticisms from the Operator. Write a short quip, joke or pun and share it with us. The winning submissions will be recorded and added to Warframe!
How to enter:
Write a joke or pun to be spoken by Cephalon Ordis in-game. Share your submission in this thread for judging!
Selecting the Winning Submissions:
The Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 after reviewing all submissions. Winners will be chosen based on the wit and humour reflected in their submissions. Keep in mind that your joke will become part of the Warframe universe! We recommend looking at in-game lore for inspiration.
The Design Council will determine the winning jokes or puns by voting on the Top 10 submissions selected by the Warframe Team. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, July 3 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, July 9 at 1:00PM ET.
This contest starts now until Thursday, July 2 at 1:00 PM ET!
Make us laugh, Operator!