Update 16.5 is live on consoles!
While Tyl Regor's Tubemen and Nef Anyo's Bursa MOAs are certainly threats to contend with, for one particular enemy of the Lotus the time to face justice has finally arrived...
The Law of Retribution is Warframe's first 8-player Trial -- a new mission type that takes all the skill and cooperation that veteran Tenno have accumulated and puts it to the ultimate test. Players need to cut their way through the heart of the Grineer military in order to track down the location of Vay Hek.
Law of Retribution objectives require skill and coordination from seasoned Tenno to complete, but that doesn't mean you can't do a little bit of preparation before stepping foot on Earth. Here're a few handy tips that should help even the odds against the treacherous Grineer Councillor:
· Stock Up On Items! Making sure you can quickly restore your health and energy when moving between objectives is critical to success. You never want to be hunting for energy orbs when your Squad needs help.
· Create A Squad With Variety! The best Squads are the ones that have a bit of variety in their roster. Try and bring a good mix of damage and crowd control, and assign roles where some abilities may overlap.
· Mark Objectives and Communicate! Trials require Tenno to work as a unit, whether broken into smaller groups or pushing together as one. Make sure you let your Squad clearly know what the plan of action is or the Grineer may get the upper hand.
Retribution is at hand, Tenno!
Bring Vay Hek to justice for his callous destruction of the Relays by his Balor Fomorians. Show the Grineer and their beloved Councillor that the Warriors of the Lotus are not to be denied their due.