Happy Star Day! As Ticker reminds us, love isn’t just for lovers. It’s for friends, family, your bestest Kavat! Everyone deserves to be shown affection. Share the love with a Star Days valentine. It can be for anyone from a fellow Tenno to the Kuva Lich who fights by your side. Celebrate the value of those closest to you!
There will be two winner categories: one for Physical Valentines and another for Virtual Valentines. There will be five winners in each category. Ten winners overall!
How to enter:
Create a Star Days valentine for a Warframe character or fellow Tenno.
Share images of your valentine in this thread for judging!
Say which category you’re submitting to in your submission: Physical Valentines or Virtual Valentines
Need an example?
One submission per player
Content of the valentine must be Warframe-related
Submission must be appropriate for the community forums
Submission must be your original work
Do not reserve spots in the official English contest thread
Only post submissions in the official English contest thread
Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified
Prizes - Physical Valentines:
1st place – Octavia Prime Access upon her release in-game
2nd place – 1000 Platinum
3rd place – 750 Platinum
4th place – 500 Platinum
5th place – 250 Platinum
Prizes - Virtual Valentines:
1st place – Octavia Prime Access upon her release in-game
2nd place – 1000 Platinum
3rd place – 750 Platinum
4th place – 500 Platinum
5th place – 250 Platinum
Winners will be determined based on the overall look of the valentine! Its physical appearance will be most important, but including a thoughtful message will take your valentine to the next level. Creativity and quality are key!
This contest starts now until Thursday, February 18 at 1:00 PM ET
Click here to submit your entry to the official English contest thread
Go spread the love of Star Days, Tenno!