With the reveal of the 3-Part Update series, the hype surrounding Kavats, the new Warframe, and the War Within is all too real - but there's something else that your Platinum and Credits might be excited about: the Market overhaul.
Those of you who watch our Devstreams may have seen Rebecca’s brief tour of it, but I am here to answer the “what” and the “why”s of this upcoming rework to the in-game Market. This overhaul is coming with the Specters of the Rail Update.
Two big motivators behind this rework are pretty straight-forward: a) to make it easier to find what you want and to see what’s available; and b) to allow the Market to grow as more content is added in-game. These two factors are important for improving both old and new player experience, and manifest themselves in the overhaul through 3 major changes:
New Design! A Tab System
A large majority of Market-related complaints we receive relate to the confusion between built items (aka Platinum-purchased) and Blueprints. With the current Market set-up, a lot of players do not realize that there is a Blueprint Section for Warframes, Weapons, and Sentinels. This confusion tends to lead to the quick dismissal that the Majority of Warframe's content is only available for Platinum. If you've been playing Warframe for a while, you know this is not the case. This new Market makes that much more clear.
We want to make sure that all Tenno know they can craft all Warframes, Weapons, and Sentinels in-game (with the exception of exclusive and vaulted content). To do so, we’re introducing a new set-up, where each item has only one page with three tabs full of information to help guide players.
The first tab is the About section, listing the Item bio, its stats, and its price in Platinum.
The second tab is the Build section. Here, players can see the crafting requirements and purchase the Blueprint. For content that is obtained through quests or clan research, this information will be listed here instead, outlining explicitly which room/quest is required for the components. This way, players can see that all Warframes and Weapons (with some exceptions) are available to build in-game, even if their Blueprints are not purchasable, unlike the current system.
The third tab is the Related section. The items listed here could range from cosmetics, to mods, to weapons, but are tailored to what would look best to help players optimize their Fashion Frame game.
Better Categories and Search Bar!
No more will users have to scroll through helmets, armor and skins just to find the perfect Syandana. We’ve revised our sections to not only simplify your searches, as with Weapons, Warframes and Sentinels, but to also allow you to easily browse through specific types of items.
Cosmetic items are now divided by type, including armor sets, helmets, skins, Deluxe skins, Syandanas, and animation sets. Looking to enhance a specific Warframe? The new search functionality will allow users to be even more specific when browsing the market. Typing in a term from the Home section will pull results from the entire market, while doing so in a sub-section will limit your results to items in that particular category.
See it in action here (but excuse the missing dioramas, they aren’t hooked up yet for noggles):
Better UI
We’ve added new indicators to the UI to make using the Market a much easier process. Whether you’re browsing, or searching for a specific item, the toggle-able ‘Hide Owned’ button will allow you to limit your results even further. See how it works here (but again, excuse the lack of dioramas):
Bundles will still indicate whether you own an item on their About page, but they will now also reveal whether any included cosmetics are only usable for content you do not own (such as Orbiter, Weapon or Warframe skins). If you’re looking to save on Platinum, items that that are part of a bundle will disclose which packs they can be bought in on their individual About page.
For those saving up for a bundle or gear, the Wishlist is a great way to keep track of all your coveted items! An “Add To Wishlist” button will be available at the bottom right hand corner of every about page - from bundles to Warframes to gear. You can search through Much like the ‘owned’ icon on thumbnails, Wishlisted items will be given their own icon as well, and players will now be able to search through their friends’ Wishlists if they are feeling particularly generous!
General Clean Up
While looking at the Market's usability, we took a look at aspects of the economy. We set the Platinum prices for some items over 2 years ago, and things have a change a lot since then (understatement). Below are the revised prices that will be released with the rework update, but keep in mind everything is subject to change:
● Fieldron Sample, Mutagen Sample, and Detonite Ampules have been removed and are replaced by Fieldron, Mutagen Mass, and Detonite Injector at the price of 10 Platinum each.
● Loki and Mag’s prices have been swapped to reflect their change in status as Starter Frames. Loki's cost will be 175 Platinum and Mag's cost will be 75 Platinum.
The Credit Bundles will be updated as follows:
● Frugal Credit Bundle: costs 50 Platinum in exchange for 50,000 Credits.
● High Roller Credit Bundle: costs 90 Platinum in exchange for 175,000 Credits.
Fusion Core packs have been reviewed as well:
● Gold Fusion Pack: costs 80 Platinum in exchange for 15 Fusion Cores. 14 Cores are Guaranteed to be R5 Rare, with a very small chance at a Legendary Core for the 15th.**
● Silver Fusion Pack: costs 50 Platinum in exchange for 10 Fusion Cores. This pack includes 5 R5 Rare Cores and 5 other Cores with a chance of being Rare.
● Bronze Fusion Pack: costs 35 Platinum in exchange for 5 Fusion Cores. Three of these Cores are guaranteed to be R5 Rare, with 2 guaranteed Uncommon.
● We’re adding a 3 Forma pack for 35 Platinum.
● A 30 Day Resource Booster will available for 200 Platinum.
TL;DR: Look forward to the following
● Hide/Show Owned Button
● Public Wishlists
● Blueprints and Built Items are in the same place
● Better Categories
● Search Function
● Revised Platinum prices for a variety of content!
See you for Specters of the Rail, Tenno!
*Truly, this is all subject to change.
** This in particular may change, but we wanted to see your thoughts first.