Nightwave: Intermission II is ending soon, Tenno! Cash in your Intermission II Cred before May 3.
As Arlo’s story comes to a close, it’s time for Nightwave: Intermission to take over the airwaves.
During Intermission II, you can earn fan-favorite rewards from both Nightwave: Series 1 and the first Intermission!
Rank Rewards include:
1. 150 Intermission II Creds
2. 2000 Endo
3. Weapon Slots x2
4. 200 Ducats
5. Arlo's Flame Decoration
6. 50 Intermission II Creds
7. Kuva x 20000
8. Wolf Salute - Emote
9. Orokin Catalyst
10. Orokin Reactor
11. 50 Intermission II Creds
12. Kuva x 20000
13. Napalm Grenades (Augment)
14. 3-Day Affinity Booster
15. Eidolon Ephemera
16. 50 Intermission II Creds
17. Exilus Adapter
18. Ancient Scrawl
19. Liset Athari Skin
20. Wild Frenzy (Augment)
21. 50 Intermission II Creds
22. 3 Forma Bundle
23. Ayatan Anasa Sculpture
24. 50 Intermission II Creds
25. Arcane Energize
26. Aura Forma
27. Warframe Slot
28. Saturn Six Syandana
29. Umbra Forma
30. Saturn Six Armor Bundle
31-90. 15 Intermission II Creds
We’ve also made changes to Nightwave based on your feedback!
- Removed the “Guild a Modular Weapon” Act
- Reduced the “Forma” Act requirements from 3 Forma to 1
- Reduced the “Silver Grove Specter” Act requirements from 3 kills to 1
- Kuva is now always available in Nora’s Offerings
- Intermission Change: Intermission II has 30 Ranks with 30 additional Prestige Ranks similar to Series 1 and 2; the first Intermission had 15 Ranks without - Prestige Ranks; each Prestige Rank grants 15 Creds
You’ll need to earn Intermission II Creds to buy items from Nora’s Offerings! Creds from the first Intermission and the first two Series can be sold for 5,000 credits apiece if you have any lingering in your Inventory.
Nightwave: Intermission II will only be available for a limited time. Good luck, Dreamers.