Today, October 14, 2014, Multi Dynamic Games Group Inc. (a subsidiary of Sumpo Food Holdings Limited) and Perfect Online Holding Limited (a subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd.) entered into an acquisition agreement with the shareholders of Digital Extremes Ltd. to acquire 61% of the entire issued share capital of the Company. Multi Dynamic Games Group Inc. and Perfect Online Holding Limited will acquire 58% and 3% respectively.
“We are thrilled with the potential to work with partners who share our philosophy on the future of gaming and how we’re approaching it,” said James Schmalz, CEO of Digital Extremes. “This partnership will further empower us to continue making Warframe bigger and better with full control over its destiny.”
Closing of the acquisition is subject to several conditions, one of which includes granting the exclusive rights to publish Warframe on consoles in mainland China to Perfect Online Holding Limited. For full details of the acquisition, please read here.