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Tenno, Corpus Proxies are rising up across the System.
Intercepted messages suggest Corpus Crewmen are being replaced with Ospreys, MOAs and other Proxies of the merchant cult.
We’ve located four major regions of Proxy activity:
Mars - Defence - Rewards: 50,000 Credits + 1,500 Endo
Neptune - Interception - Rewards: 50,000 Credits + Exilus Adapter
Jupiter - Survival - Rewards: 50,000 Credits + Orokin Catalyst Blueprint + Orokin Reactor Blueprint
Europa - Defence - Rewards: Rift Sigil + Stratos Emblem
From Friday, July 27 at 2 p.m. ET. until Monday, July 30 at 2 p.m. ET, complete these four Alerts and help us send a message to Nef Anyo.
A concentrated effort could stop the Proxy uprising from spreading!