Remote Observer – Vol 22
Warframe changes galore in this week's update recap!
Posted On 2018-02-16 10:14:00
Remote Observer – Vol 22

Welcome back to another edition of the Remote Observer. Since last week had a late deployment, we’ll be taking a look at what came to PC since Update 22.12.0! If you can find some time between your Teralyst fights to read out update note highlights, we’ve compiled them all below for you:


Warframe and Weapon Changes

A lot of stat tweaks came last week – including changes to over 100 weapons and Warframes. Below is a quick list of what Warframes were updated, but for a full look at what changed, you can get all the details at this link:

· Ash

· Atlas

· Banshee

· Chroma

· Ember

· Gara

· Hydroid

· Mirage

· Mag

· Rhino

· Volt

· Zephyr

New Advanced Plains Map!

  • Hold M (default) to open Advanced Map.
  • Right clicking (default) on the Advanced Map places a Waypoint.
  • Scrolling while viewing the Advanced Map will zoom in/out respectively.
  • Areas/Regions have now been named! (also appears on the normal Plains Map)

The Index

  • Required points per tier are now 50/75/100.
  • Increased the required Index points from 25/50/100 to 50/100/200
  • Enemy levels scale half as fast.
  • Changed the investment costs from 45k/60k/75k to 30k/40k/50k, and changed the credit returns from 120k/195k/275k to 105k/175k/250k. The amount of profit for each tier remains the same at 75k/135k/200k.
  • Changed the rewards to give the total credit return and take away invested credits, instead of combining them into the net profit.

UI and UX

  • Font Rendering has received an overhaul! This change will make all fonts across Warframe more readable at all resolutions. We know change is scary, but this change is to make sure font scaling looks crisp across resolutions and with zooming!
  • Added a completely new flow for Companion Incubator Management. Pets can no longer die! The base Incubator now behaves exactly as the Nutrio Incubator does with auto-stasis, and those with the Nutrio Incubator receive a significant discount on future DNA Stabilizer costs (from 75,000 to 5,000)!
  • Purchasing a Slot or Orokin Catalyst in the Upgrade screen will now auto equip/install.


· Chroma's Vex Armor Damage Buff now works on Melee Damage.

· Resource Drop Chance Boosters now affect Mining and Fishing, doubling the chance to get gems and the base number of fish spawns! (Previously only regular Resource Boosters affected the Plains)

· Focus Passives now apply immediately upon loading into a mission rather than requiring the brief Operator transition.

· You now have options to matchmake for Eidolon Hunts!

· Sentient Cores now drop from Conculysts, Battalysts, and Decaying variants. They will drop either an Exceptional (25%) or Intact (75%) Sentient Core.

· Ivara’s Prowl will now only steal from each enemy once total, instead of once per Ivara. This mirrors how Nekros’ Desecrate also functions.

Arcane Changes

We have made stat improvements to the following Arcanes, indicating base changes. Just multiply by 4 for quick maths of Max Rank values:

· Arcane Consequence: On headshots, Bullet Jumping is improved rather than Aim Gliding/Wall Latching.

· Arcane Deflection: Now has a base value of 20%

· Arcane Healing: Now has a base value of 20%

· Arcane Ice: Now has a base value of 20%

· Arcane Warmth: Now has a base value of 20%

· Arcane Nullifier: Now has a base value of 20%

· Arcane Momentum: Now affects Reload Speed with a base chance of 10%

· Arcane Acceleration: Now has a base effect of 15% with a base chance of 5%

· Arcane Agility: Now has a base value of 10% with a base chance of 3%

· Arcane Awakening: Increased from Damage 15% to 25% and bumped chance.

· Arcane Fury: Now has a base value of 30% with a base chance of 10%

· Arcane Guardian: Armor applied is now additive vs multiplicative with a base value of 150.

· Arcane Phantasm: increased base effect from 5% to 10% and base chance from 4% to 8%.

· Arcane Precision: Now has a base value of 30% with a base chance of 20%

· Arcane Rage: Now has a base effect of 30%

· Arcane Strike: Now has a base value of 10%

· Arcane Ultimatum: Armor applied is now additive vs multiplicative with a base value of 150 with a Duration of 5 seconds at base rank

· Arcane Velocity: Now has a base value of 20% with a base chance of 15%

· Arcane Resistance: Now applies to Toxin Damage with a base value of 20%


· Prime Vault Bounty Relics in Stage 1 have been moved to be rewarded in Stage 2 and weighted accordingly amongst the other Stages. It’s worth noting that Bounty Stage 5 now yields the highest chance of getting a Vaulted Relic. Our intentions here are to alleviate players abandoning the Bounty after the first Stage.