Revenant Prime Community Build Guide
How to Mod the condemned (Primed) Warframe
Posted On 2022-10-13 07:55:00
Revenant Prime Community Build Guide

Just in time for the Nights of Naberus, the Warden of the Plains has re-emerged in his Prime form to prey on the weak and the unwilling. Whether you choose to crack Relics in-game to earn Revenant Prime, or unlock him instantly with Prime Access, you’ll want to maximize his otherworldly Abilities with a solid build.

Imbued with the rich energy of an Eidolon, Revenant Prime is known for his tankiness on the battlefield, as well as his unique Ability to seduce enemies and convert them into a personal army of zealous thralls.

We’ve taken a look at some of our favorite builds from the wider Warframe community, summarized below.

L1fewater: Breach Surge Revenant

L1fewater’s guide is geared towards what he refers to as “level cap runs,” or Missions in which the enemies are at max level. Needless to say, the Mods he employs are very much designed to take advantage of Revenant Prime’s inherent tankiness, as well as his synergy, survivability and crowd control.

This build takes its name from (surprise!) Wisp’s Helminth Ability, Breach Surge. L1fewater uses this to replace Danse Macabre, as Breach Surge is better against high level enemies (it’s also one of the stronger Warframe Abilities in general, and makes a great addition to almost any build, but we digress).

With Revenant, Breach Surge creates a particularly interesting effect: enemies who have been enthralled and attack other enemies on your behalf will proc Breach Surge’s multiplier, dealing truly awesome levels of damage. Of course, you’re also free to simply cast Breach Surge and then go to town with your Melee Weapon. You’ll be pleased with the results either way.

For Mods, L1fewater recommends focusing on Strength, Duration and Range. This is largely to benefit Breach Surge, but also boosts Revenant’s Mesmer Skin Ability, which will be your primary source of survivability. Consider Enemy Radar for your Aura Mod, since this will allow you to seek out and better manage the hordes of high-level enemies that you’re looking to take on with this build.

During gameplay, you’ll want to keep Mesmer Skin up at all times as you build your army with Enthrall, and then cast Breach Surge so that thralled enemies proc its damage multiplier. This then leaves your foes ripe for the slaughter with your Primary and Melee Weapons.

Brozime: 100% Revenant

Brozime begins this guide with the disclaimer that his Revenant build is not as effective as it used to be prior to the Eximus rework introduced with Angels of the Zariman. However, the rework mainly affected Mesmer Skin (Eximus units who attack Revenant will not be stunned by it), so the build is still well worth your time, especially for higher-level gameplay.

This build prioritizes using Enthrall and Reave in conjunction with one another. Basically, you can Enthrall foes and then drain up to 100% of their Health and Shields if you pass through them with Reave (Eximus units notwithstanding). In order to maximize this combination, Brozime suggests using the Molt Augmented Arcane, and then Modding for maximum Efficiency.

Rhino’s Roar takes the place of Danse Macabre, and you can finish out this build by adding Narrow Minded for extra Duration (which will be particularly helpful in open world environments), as well as the Stretch Mod to compensate for the subsequent loss of Range. The Natural Talent Mod is also a must for this build, due to Revenant’s notoriously long casting times.

Once you’re ready to go, gameplay is fairly straightforward. Start by casting Roar for its damage buff, then simply enthrall as many foes as you can, and then pass through them with Reave. If you want to kill even more efficiently, Brozime suggests equipping a powerful Primary (like the Phantasma Prime) to speed things along. This is an excellent, simple build that is more than suitable for the Steel Path.

Grind Hard Squad: Immortal DPS Revenant Prime

GrindHardSquad’s (GHS) Revenant Prime is a great all-around build for pretty much any type of Mission, but especially for higher level enemies and boss fights. As the video title suggests, the focus here is high damage-per-second, allowing you to dish out some serious punishment to enemies (or even one-shot them). Strength Mods are essential for that, and they’ll also give your survivability a boost since more Strength equals more charges for your Mesmer Skin. And you’ll want as many charges as possible, since Mesmer Skin grants one second of invulnerability after a charge is consumed. Combine this with the one second of invulnerability you get from the shield-gating mechanic, and you have more than enough invulnerability to recast Mesmer Skin and become functionally immortal.

The Thrall Pact Augment Mod is particularly useful for Revenant, although the narrator notes that some players have a hard time keeping thralls active for long enough to enjoy its benefits. To avoid accidentally killing them, GHS suggests Enthralling enemies in a smaller room away from the larger areas where hordes tend to spawn. If you stick to hitscan or beam Weapons, and avoid unwieldy AoE options, you should have no problem keeping thralls active and boosting your Primary Weapon's damage output. Combine this with Rhino’s Roar for even further DPS, and add Molt Augmented and Molt Efficiency for extra Strength and survivability, respectively.

GHS claims that this Revenant Build is ideal for the recently-released Archon Hunts, as the added survivability helps withstand Archon attacks, while thralls within the level can give you a big damage boost, too. The boost you get from Thrall Pact, combined with Roar, should allow you to take on Archons solo in approximately 6-8 minutes, all while staying safe thanks to Mesmer Skin.


Revenant Prime is not only an extremely powerful Warframe suitable for Steel Path Missions, but he’s also easy to Mod and fun to use in lower level Missions as well. As always, feel free to take suggestions from the guides above, or experiment and find the Mod combinations that work best for you.

Do you have any Revenant Prime tips of your own that you’d like to share? Join the wider Warframe conversation on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as well as our Official Forums.