At TennoCon 2024, we gave you your first look at the next Heirloom Collection, the defensive powerhouse and immortal bastion: Rhino! Rhino's Heirloom Collection will arrive next year, in 2025.
This new concept, set to immortalize the legacy of one of the Origin System's longest serving Warframes, showcases the indomitable strength of Rhino. The design features the amber-like material that is becoming a hallmark of Heirloom Collections and oozes deadly capability.
Just like previous Heirloom Collections, Rhino will arrive with a suite of signature Customizations to match and complete his refined new look.
You can expect to add the Rhino Heirloom Collection to your Arsenal in 2025. Stay tuned, Tenno, and we'll be sure to keep you up to date on all the latest news as it drops!