We want to thank our Nintendo Switch Tenno for their incredible patience with the delayed launch of The Old Blood! Visit the official Switch update thread to learn more about what we have planned for you to show our appreciation.
The dead shall rise again, and their vengeance will be swift and merciless. In The Old Blood update, take on the Kuva Lich, your personal villain; trample your prey as the ravenous Grendel; cleave through flesh and bone with the robust Melee Phase 2 rework; utilize Vauban and Ember’s revamped Ability Kits; and collect a smorgasbord of new Gear and Customizations.
Like a predator, Grendel barrels in to feast on the cruel and corrupted. Despite his fearsome appearance, Grendel is a noble spirit whose generosity is matched only by his insatiable hunger. Visit the Leverian to begin your hunt for Grendel.
Each enemy consumed grants bonus armor.
Swallow an enemy whole and store it in Grendel’s gut. Not satisfied? Keep eating, but beware -- each foe in Grendel’s belly slowly consumes energy. Hold to vomit out stored enemies covering them in toxic bile.
Consume the enemies in Grendel’s gut and nourish nearby squad members with a radial buff.
Violently puke out a bile-soaked enemy from Grendel’s gut, turning the consumed into a toxic projectile.
Engorged from feeding, Grendel curls into a ball and sends any enemies in his path flying.
We maggots live — not long… We hope. More life. Work. Kill… maybe Queens notice.
Maybe they share. The old blood.
Tenno, you are not the only one with the gift of resurrection. The most worthy Grineer soldiers are receiving the power of Kuva. Strike these Kuva Larvlings down and they shall rise again as a Kuva Lich, stronger and more ruthless than before.
Their goal? To take you down.
Land the killing blow on a Kuva-Spiked Grineer, and their death triggers their rebirth into your Kuva Lich. Your Lich will claim territory in the Origin System, using their influence to build a following of loyal Thralls. Track these lesser beings down and gather intel on the Lich's whereabouts. Your squadmates may help you in the process, but only you can give your Kuva Lich its final taste of fear with the Parazon — the hidden blade of the Tenno. Be warned: If you manage to defeat your Lich, another may rise to take its place.
We are maggots. But… eventually… even maggots.. Can fly.
Building on the Melee changes from earlier this year, Phase 2 introduces devastating new combat techniques, smoother combos, the return of manual blocking and more!
Phase 2 introduces new Heavy Attacks for all Melee Weapons. These attacks are slower but deal a mighty punch. String them together with your default Melee Attacks to create a symphony of destruction.
Melee attacks now work in mid-air! Now you can live out your gravity-defying ninja combat dreams.
Certain Melee attacks can now lift enemies into the air, leaving them exposed to follow-up attacks. Attack them in mid-air to keep them juggled and trapped in a world of pain.
The Combo system received a wide array of changes, including more intuitive combos for Melee Stances, a Combo Counter rework and smoother combo transitions to keep your flow going.
We gave Melee Weapons their long-awaited rebalance pass, which includes Melee Weapon stats, Melee Mod rebalances and more.
Thanks to your feedback from Phase 1, manual blocking and a full Melee-only attack state have returned!
Learn more in our official Dev Workshop.
This update delivers two highly requested Warframe reworks — Vauban and Ember! Vauban’s Kit allows for crowd control on the go and introduces a suite of new offensive capabilities, including the devastating Photon Strike. Ember’s Kit synergises around her new Immolation Meter, which grants her some much-needed survivability and increases her firepower. We hope these changes strike a balance between adding exciting new features and facelifting old favorites. Read the Dev Workshop for the full details!
Like a moth to a flame, bewitch your friends as Titania Empress. Includes Deluxe Skins for her Dex Pixia and Diwata Exalted Weapons, a Gunblade Weapon Skin and a set of Titania Armor.
Engorge yourself on this feast of new Gear and Customizations, fit for a voracious predator.
The full collection includes the Grendel Warframe; the Grendel Glutt Helmet; the Masseter, an unusual crankshaft-style Heavy Blade; the Sumbha Syandana; and 3-Day Credit and Affinity boosters.
Dinner is served. An iconic helmet for Grendel.
A most curious syandana and one favored by the gallant gourmand, Grendel.
Grendel's signature weapon.Tear and chew through enemies with this unusual crankshaft-style Heavy Blade.
A drinker of life, this Kavat prowls the Plains upon dusk. Vasca includes two exclusive Mods: Vampiric Bite and Transfusion. Vampiric Bite allows her attacks to bypass armor and steal health for her master, while Transfusion allows her to sacrifice some of her health to raise her fallen master while in bleedout.
Adorn your most-worthy Kubrow and Kavat in this sleek armor of Tenno origin.
Four new TennoGen bundles are now available in the in-game Market, including items from TennoGen Round 17!
- Zephyr Graxx Skin by Faven
- Equinox Megaera Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus
- Opticor Mithra Skin by lukinu_u
- Tonfa Hades Skin by malaya, Scharkie, and Jadie
- Polearm Skopos Skin by Girtan
- Nova Stinger Skin by Cheshire
- Atlas Arhat Helmet by Rekkou
- Excalibur Arturius Helmet by Syncrasis
- Volt Thales Helmet by Arsenal
- Liset Quilate Skin by polygonmonster
- Diva Chest Plate by lukinu_u
- Fhan'Epak Chest Plate by Faven
- Paxis Chest Plate by Jadie and malaya
- Vuoto Oculus by Oh_Shimmy
- Whip Wuush Skin by Faven
- Trinity Nightingale Skin by matzan481
- Gara Rouen Alt Helmet by Hydroxate
- Baruuk Graxx Skin by Faven
- Wisp Graxx Skin by Faven
- Wisp Damas Helmet by FrellingHazmot
• Exilus Weapon Adapter: An extra Mod Slot for primary and secondary weapons, exclusively for Utility Mods!
• Buffed Gauss’s kit and added a number of quality of life fixes. More info here!
• Three additional purchasable Upgrade and Appearance configs, meaning you can expand it up to 6 total per Warframe and Weapon!
• Plus Arbitration improvements, bug fixes and quality of life changes! Learn more!
The download size for this update will be roughly ~ 4.2 GB. This will bring Warframe’s total size to around ~22 GB on Nintendo Switch. For our Tenno out there who have not equipped their Nintendo Switch with an SD card and have no other games downloaded, this will update will bring Warframe extremely close to the base memory allowance. We’ve done remaster updates in the past to make room with newer updates, but it will become increasingly difficult to maintain this as more content becomes available to our Nintendo Switch Tenno.
We want to give you an early heads up that managing and/or adding space on your Nintendo Switch (depending on what you have downloaded on it) will be necessary to accept The Old Blood. Thank you for your understanding!