We’re back with the first full volume of The Remote Observer in 2018! This week on PC, we saw a bunch of amazing TennoGen cosmetics, but we also snuck in some QOL goodness. Our console Tenno have not received any hotfixes this week as our team was working hard on getting their next update, 22.8.2, sent to Cert!
If you want to see what’s coming on January 23 in this beefy console update, you can check out our Cert threads here:
· The War Within Choice Scene has been added to Captura! Completing The War Within for the first time will reward this in your Inbox. For those that have already completed The War Within quest, it has been retroactively added to your Captura Scene selection right on login.
UI and UX
· Melee weapons will now display a 'Block Damage' reduction stat in the Arsenal!
· Warframes and Weapons that you have fully ranked up will now display a ‘Mastered’ label in the items panel when viewing them in the Market diorama.
· The TennoGen tab in the Market now has individual categories to better organize and sort the amazing growing collection of TennoGen items.
· Updated the description of Nova's Null Star to reflect the damage reduction it gives per particle: Each active particle gives +5% damage reduction to Nova's Health, stacking up to 90%.
· Fixed having to restart the Zaw naming process all over again if you attempted to put an invalid character in the name. You will now be sent back to the Zaw naming input screen.
· Fixed getting stuck in the Operator customization screen when attempting to replay the Second Dream quest.
· Spearfishing spears can now kill Condrocs and Kuakas if you wish to do that.
Weapon Stats
· Converted the Quartakk to a burst fire that fires all 4 rounds at the same time instead of a semi auto that fires 4 bullets per shot. Also increased fire rate from 6.32 to 12.67; increased Accuracy from 58.8 to 90.9; reduced damage from 51 to 27.
· Increased Stubba's ammo pool from 285 to 399.
· Sarpa and Redeemer trace distance reduced to 300m to match the rest of the non-sniper weapons.
· The Plague Kripath now uses Rapier melee style instead of Sword melee style.
TennoGen Round 11
The first batch of TennGen Round 11 has released on PC and we’re already blown away by the amazing ways our Tenno have used these community-created pieces. Below a just a few of our favourite Capturas from this week.
If you want to share your Capturas with us and help show the creators some love, please feel free to add yours to our showcase thread here.
Credit: CGsKnackie
Credit: Birdy
Credit: Rekkou