The Remote Observer – Vol 26
Endless Kuva Survival, plus changes to Grineer Commanders, Kuva Guardians and more!
Posted On 2018-03-29 12:59:00
The Remote Observer – Vol 26

It’s another short week for us at the studio but that didn’t hold us from making significant changes to the Kuva acquisition method, Kuva Guardians, Grineer Commanders, and more! See our highlights from this week’s PC patch outlined for you below:


Kuva Endless Survival

This gamemode on Taveuni offers players a much requested avenue to acquire Kuva outside of the Siphon/Flood mechanic, and on the aptly named Kuva Fortress! Players, both Public and Solo, now balance risk and reward as they sacrifice their Life Support Towers for precious Kuva.

· A marked enemy carrying a Kuva Catalyst will spawn per Life Support Tower.

· Picking up this Kuva Catalyst and simply walking up to an unactivated Life Support Tower, transforms the Life Support Tower into a Kuva Harvester. Now you must protect this Kuva Harvester for 1 minute (as indicated on your UI) as enemies will now logically and forcefully attempt to destroy it. If they succeed in destroying the Kuva Harvester, you will lose out on both Kuva and the Life Support Tower.

· Once the Kuva Harvester is complete, 200 Kuva is awarded to everyone! Completed Kuva Harvesters also give a small percentage of Life Support to aid in your literal Survival.

Check out the full Dev Workshop here for examples and FAQ.

Grineer Commander

· Increased the Commander Switch Teleport cast time to 2 seconds and added a casting sound indication.

· Both Grineer Commander and his target will glow orange during his Switch Teleport cast.

· Bullet Jumping or dodge rolling can now break you out of the Switch Teleport.

· Switch Teleport now delivers a Knockdown Status debuff after being teleported (unless Modded to avoid or minimize Knockdowns).

Kuva Guardians

· As an overall change, Kuva Guardians are now easier to turn vulnerable, but will become tougher to kill once they are.

· No need to stun first! Operator Void Blast OR Void Dash can be used to disarm their Kesheg and turn them vulnerable.

· Increased base Health from 300 to 400, and adjusted their health type to be in line with the rest of the Grineer. Weaker against Heat and Viral but more resistant to Gas.

· Slightly increased the Fire Rate of their Twin Rogga .

· Added a pulsing red glow around Kuva Guardians for a few seconds to depict when they are vulnerable (similar to the Teralyst).

Other Changes

· Survival Life Support Towers no longer have interval spawn scaling (90 seconds + 1 second per pillar), instead they will just spawn every 90 seconds.

· Upon taking damage, Kubrow Dens will now only spawn 4 Kubrows to defend their Den instead of an infinite amount. This fixes a potential for ‘infinite Kubrow spawns’ that has reared its head before.

· Improved AI navigation on the Grineer Earth tileset by allowing AI to wade through water properly.

· Changed the /offline Chat command to /donotdisturb to more accurately describe the mode. ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode will now auto decline game Invites and auto reply to private messages to indicate that you are unavailable.


No updates this week on Consoles, but that’s because we’re working on submitting your next build to cert! Stay tuned to our channels for more news on what to expect and when to expect it!