We’re in the eye of the storm! Jade Shadows has settled upon the Origin System, with surprising additions to the story of Warframe and the ongoing conflict of Operation: Belly of the Beast.
At the same time, we’re just over two weeks away from TennoCon 2024! On July 19-20, we’ll celebrate all things Warframe and give you a glimpse into the future (even as we look back to the past in Warframe: 1999). Exciting things are afoot, but this still means a lighter week in terms of news.
This week’s topics:
TennoCon 2024 will happen live on July 19-20 and we’re working hard to prepare for the celebration. While you wait, there’s always more Warframe to talk about. Devshorts aired earlier this week, with Creative Director Rebecca Ford returning to give you a glimpse into Warframe’s inner workings. She talked about the TennoCon 2024 schedule, Jade Shadows Hotfixes, and the second Ephemera Reward for Operation: Belly of the Beast.
If you missed the stream, you can still watch it via the archives on Twitch and YouTube!
This week marks the end of the current Prime Resurgence rotation. Harness the power of the elements with Chroma Prime, or take control of the maelstrom with Zephyr Prime. Chroma Prime and Zephyr Prime leave the rotation on July 4 at 2 p.m. ET.
Both Prime Warframes are available from Varzia in Maroo’s Bazaar. Purchase either Warframe and their signature Weapons with Regal Aya, or exchange Aya for Void Relics to earn them in-game. If you’re looking for more Aya, tackle Bounties and Missions in the Void!
With the end of one rotation, comes the beginning of another. The splendor of Orokin might, dedicated to darker pursuits: the next Prime Resurgence will feature Harrow Prime and Nekros Prime! The devout kneel before Harrow Prime as he preaches of sacrifice and salvation, while the dead heed the frightening call of Nekros Prime.
Both Prime Warframes enter the rotation on July 4 at 2 p.m. ET.
Want the enigmatic Arthur to stand ever-vigilant on your desk? How about some free Customizations while you're at it? Good news, Tenno! We’re partnering with OMEN and HyperX for not one but two wonderful TennoCon 2024 giveaways! Enter for a chance to win a Warframe: 1999 Arthur Statue from HyperX and claim free Customizations on the OMEN Gaming Hub!
For more information on how to claim a free code, and to sign up for your chance to win the statue, check out our full write-up here.
We’ve reached another phase of Operation: Belly of the Beast. Parvos Granum is building an army that could threaten the Origin System and together we can push back the tide. The combined might of your efforts have unlocked the Aspirus Emergent Ephemera. One more stage remains for the evolving Ephemera, alongside a number of excellent Rewards.
Operation: Belly of the Beast will conclude on July 18 at 11:30 a.m. ET.