Warframe Comic Book No 1 Out Now
Additional Lore Pages and New Cover!
Posted On 2017-09-21 23:59:00
Warframe Comic Book No 1 Out Now

Discover the Plains of Eidolon in real life with the Warframe Comic Series!

This series is a cooperation between Top Cow’s Matt Hawkins and our very own Steve Sinclair. They worked closely together to bring the Warframe world to life by introducing a new civilization, atmosphere and enemies that players will soon be able to experience in the new update.

The retail edition of Warframe Comic Book No.1 is out now for $3.99 USD. If you have read the exclusive TennoCon edition , the retail version includes an additional four-page ending that will show you familiar faces and prepare you for the rest of the story starting in Issue No. 2! The retail version features a cover by the renowned Warframe fan artist, Kevin Glint.

Warframe Comic No.1 will be available at your local comic book shop or you can purchase it at Top Cow, Comixology, Amazon and Google Play. Be sure to subscribe and add the series to your pull list to ensure you get all future issues!